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The air was crisp and cool, the sun settling down and making way for the moon's arrival. The town had gone quiet hours before, the parisians having returned to their homes and families. The events of the day had been experienced and forgotten within a matter of moments. Viviette couldn't help but notice no one had come to check on her.

She wanted to say she was hurt, but she wasn't. She could only expect so much.

The young girl sighed as she sat, knees to her chest, staring up at the stained glass window. She wondered if Judge Frollo hadn't been standing there when she was, if she would still be where she was now. If her hand would still be swelling, her body aching, her mind at unrest. She wondered if she would be with Delphine, hunched over a bowl of stew and ale.

Her mouth watered at the thought.

The bells began to ring and Viviette got up, brushing herself off. She couldn't hide here forever. At some point or another she would have to face the outside. So now was as good a time as ever.

Slowly, she made her way to one of the back doors, careful not to make a sound. She wasn't entirely sure where she would go once she had escaped. Home wasn't an option. Not yet, anyways. That would be the first place they'd check for her, if they checked at all.

Viviette breathed a breath of relief as she noticed the outside of the cathedral was unguarded. Maybe Frollo didn't care as much as he had let on. It seemed he really was just a man of ego and appearance.

She stepped out and stared up at the sky. For having had such a somber day, the stars were shining rather brightly. It reminded her, even if just for a brief moment, that there was still beauty in tragedy. And that even in her worst times, there was still a sky to look up at.

The bells had stopped ringing and the streets were completely silent. The only sound to be heard were Viviette's own steps. This made her anxious, but at the same time, she found comfort in being able to hear her surroundings. Nothing would be able to sneak up on her that way.

At least, that's what she'd hoped.

Viviette made her way down the steps of Notre Dame and briskly walked towards the end of town. If nothing else, there was a city a mile east where she'd be able to rest for the night. Come daylight, she'd return to her and Delphine's home and let her friend know where she had gone.

If only it was that easy.

The silence was broken by the sound of full plated armor and the gossip of lowly guards.

"Damn it," Viviette hissed, frozen in place.

She didn't have many options. If she ran, surely they would catch her. Hiding was an option, but hiding where? She didn't want to go back to the cathedral. She wouldn't even have time to make it there.

So many decisions and no time to make them. She'd taken up a minute alone trying to plan her escape.

"You should have stayed in the cathedral."

And now she was out of time.

Viviette only had a moment before she was whipped around by her shoulders. The man that towered above her was not one she recognized. He was burly and aggressive. This much was made incredibly clear when his fist made contact with her face.

She had no time to even feel it.


Viviette woke up to the taste of blood in her mouth. She groaned and touched her lips, quickly finding out where it had come from. Her mind was foggy and her memories from the moments before were taking their time returning.

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