Chapter 1: A Day of The Life of a Pizza Man

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      I open my eyes to darkness. Not an unfamiliar sight, at least considering I sleep with an eye mask on. After pulling that off though, I find myself lying there, squinting my eyes and blinking rapidly to slowly adjust them to the light streaming in massive waves through my window. That dream, it was so... Vivid. I haven't had a dream like that in who knows how long. While various thoughts of the dream race through my mind, I can't help but feel the residual affection leaking through time to prod at me once again.
      With a sigh, I pull my phone out and begin recording the dream in my notepad app. I don't normally write down my dreams, yet this one seems to call to me. I'm not sure if it was the content of the dream, the feelings associated with it, or my delusions of wonder that caused me to do so, but regardless of the reason, the dream itself seems imprinted on my brain.

      I sit up, my eyes now adjusted to the sunlight, allowing me to finally see my mess of a room. With my covers and sheets bundled at the foot of my bed in a messy pile from the night's tossing and turning, my computer powered off, the black screens reflecting me staring back at myself maybe 10ft away. Unlike past years, I've managed to keep some semblance of control over my room, the floor is visible and mostly clear of clothes or trash between the bed and the door, but other areas, such as in front of the foot of the bed are horrible. Dirty suits, clothes, and miscellaneous items scattered about in a state of disorder, as if somebody had begun to clean and organize, but gave up halfway through, allowing the piles to collapse, entering a state that is arguably worse than it was before.

      Hungry, I get out of bed and walk down the hall to the kitchen then open the fridge. Stocked with leftovers of various kinds of homecooked meals, as well as plenty of materials for the preparation of said meals, it's rather full to the brim...
      ...and yet entirely empty at the same time. I close it with a sigh, then open the freezer, seeing plenty of frozen materials, a few microwavable Asian pork buns, And nothing breakfast-y. Another sigh as I open the fridge again to the same previous result, as if expecting it to be different, but more just doing it out of habit.

      I look at the clock. 1 pm. Almost 2 actually Wow. I slept in again, though, that's later than usual. Sleep eludes me. Especially when I stay up late playing Minecraft with the boys. I've got work in 2 hours, no big deal. I lean back against the counter and pull out my phone, checking my messages. A message from Ramiel. He wants to know if I'm up to anything right now.
      "Ah, sorry! Had to write my dream down before I forgot anything, then I got distracted looking for some food."
      "You're fine" He responds. I then move back to my room and begin waking my PC up, tossing my headphones on.

      We talk about a D&D character of mine. I'd been struggling with the recent level-up and idea for how I wanted to build on this character with the new paycheck we had just gotten in the game. All the while though, there's a nagging sensation at the back of my mind, explaining it is hard, but it feels like a sense that something is off. Something is different. But I can't explain what. Talk goes well for the most part, me just looking at some of the upgrades, gear, and mods that I can get. This campaign you see is a mixture of the classic fifth edition with the n7 system that somebody had made for a game series adaptation. It's genuinely a pretty cool idea, and it makes the character-building WILDLY open for choices, to the point where there are too many options. I got overwhelmed, so I'd asked him the night before to help me out with it.

      We talk until I have to go to work, whereupon I go when the time comes. After the conversation had fried my brain a bit, my brain started subconsciously looking for something else to latch onto. I get to work, get clocked in, then get all sorts of ready for driving and the like, placing the car topper on my car, washing my hands, and looking back at the dish pit to find that things are done. As are the pans.
      "Eeyyy! Billiam, my boy! Slow day 'der bruv?" I ask Billy as he starts clocking out, asking the question in our standard joking fashion of our bri'ish accents.
      "Yeah, pre'y slow fer sure!" He says back in his standardly awkward form. "Anything you need here? Or are we good?" He continues, a bit more serious.
      "Oh, you're good man, though you didn't leave me anything to do!" I say with a chuckle, looking at him as he makes his way out.
      "Well, what do you really expect though, I was bored!" He says matter of factly as he opens the door and walks out.

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