Chapter 2b: Romantic Jackpot

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        She was oddly indistinct. Like, it was as if my eyes were telling me that there wasn't anything there, but my brain was telling me there was, and then photoshopped her into the space beside me. I raised an eyebrow and turned my face back to the road in front of me.

"Aww, no wonderfully shocked surprise? Saaaad." She says, then pokes me with an incorporeal finger. I felt it... Sort of. It was like an odd tingling sensation akin to the phantom sense described by people who have used virtual reality for long periods.
"What? You want me to yell some sort of super loud and shocked 'What?!' or something?" I say, my eyes still locked on the road. "I'm driving, I don't want to risk causing an accident." In response to my comment, I get a small 'Humph' from the not-quite-imaginary Fae beside me.
"Well FINE then! See if I get excited about having any sort of big reaction when you do something cool." She says, floating slightly above the seat beside me.

With a slight smirk, I continue driving, making it back to the store before long, pleasant conversations to be had along the way. I get out of the car and walk around to the passenger side, open the door and not only grab the bag, but I get the odd impression that I need to let her out as well. In my mind's eye, I see her hop down and step out of the way of the closing door. With a smile, we walk back inside and I start back up on dishes again, the Fae sitting in the small nook between the drying racks and the food preparation sink.
Due to the risk of somebody coming into the back and seeing me talking to myself, our conversations were mostly mental, and if I'm being honest, most of it was just fluff. Just random comments about my co-workers, and things about the uniform, as well as other misc comments. Regardless, I was caught up in the wonder of it all. A fae is interested in me! And she seems genuine! Her feelings are kind of odd, oddly human even, but that's fine, I don't really care!

Eventually, I started singing this fantasy song from a game I really like, a song I used to sing to friends, or at events on some online games. I felt like a real bard when I did that. Singing songs for the people, entertaining them. I always loved the idea of being an entertainer. Think of the smiles I could bring to people's faces. Think of the joy. I turn my head to look at the lady sitting there, resting her head on her knees which were pulled up to her chest, her face an expression of love and adoration.

"See something you like?" I ask, smiling at her. In response, she blushed and looked away. Oh, good lord, she is adorable. "What is it?"
"It's just, you have a lovely voice." She says, still blushing as she hides the bottom half of her face behind her knees. I give a self-satisfied smile and turn back to the dishes.
"I would hope so. After all the work I did to get it to sound this nice? It'd be a pretty big shame if I STILL didn't sound nice, you know?" I reply, feeling happy about the way the day has gone so far.

We just sat there, me doing dishes, her watching me lovingly, until another drive pops up, and I take it. While out on this drive, I note that I need to use the bathroom, and, upon returning to the store, I enter the bathroom itself, and sit down to do my business.

"Mmmmm, Taste-y~" She says, examining me as I sit down.
"AH! Do you mind?!" I whisper loudly, my hand quickly covering my sensitive bits, a blush rising to my face.
"I don't mind at all actually, though thank you for asking!~" She replies quickly, moving over to sit on my lap. "You know, I'd still like to test that theory of yours on if humans and Fae can have children~" I close my eyes to not look at her, and do my best to keep myself covered. Thankfully, she can't move my hands or anything, being as incorporeal as she is, so I was safe as is. I kept my eyes closed, trying not to hear her teasing and prodding, but considering she was in my head, that was quite the Sysiphisian task.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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