An Awkward Conversation

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"Uh hey there, Sniper hehe..uh wanna Y'know, want a bucket of chicken?"

Scout sighed, looking at the mirror, how the hell can he come up with a good line?

"Hi! Sniper wanna hangout?"

"That sounds alright.."

Medic walked inside the medbay, holding a tray of oatmeal and a cup of water.

"Guten Morgen!"

Medic greeted, putting the tray down.

"How are you?"

"My head is hurting again."

"Ah it'll be fine."

Scout ate the food quietly.

"Doc, why is Sniper so quiet?"

Medic looked at him and thought for a moment. "He's pretty introverted, and can be a bit cold. Why do you ask?"

Scout blushed slightly, "nothing.."




"What the hell is up with Scout.."

Sniper muttered himself as he polished his knife. Everytime he saw Scout, Scout was sick. But when he asked if he was okay, he said he was.

He didn't understand why he was so worried about him, Scout was always so cocky and annoying anyways.

Knock knock knock

Sniper turned to the door of his campervan.

"Who is it?"

"I-it's me, Scout."

Sniper frowned.

"Speak of the devil, why are you here?"

He opened the door, seeing Scout there with a wide, awkward smile.

"Just wanna y'know, hangout!"


"Because uhh because yes."


"Get in."

He pulled him inside the van, sitting him down.

"What do you want."

"I don't know, just talk."

Scout replied, looking around Sniper's van. His gaze stopped at the small bulletin board filled with pictures of birds.

"Woah! Did you take these pictures?!"


"They're so cool!"


The two continued their awkward conversations together for a while, Scout was so lost into it that he forgot it was lunch, and he needed to eat his medicine.

"Oh! And also yesterday I found this very cool comic where—"

"Scout, can you stop for a moment?"

"Huh why?"

"You talk to much."


Scout looked down at the floor, that feeling of being unable to breathe came back again. Sniper looked at him, seeing his grim expression.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I'm just telling the truth, you don't really shut up sometimes."

"Sorry..I'll..I'll go now."

He got up, his head was stinging and his vision was blurry.

"Fuck I forgot my meds."

"What's wrong? You're always sick."

"N-no nothing.."

Scout stumbled out of the van, walking back to the base. "Doc..doc help." He rushed upstairs to go the medbay. Scout took another step and fell forward, hitting his head on the ground, knocking him unconscious.




"Huh..where am I.."

Scout sat up, seeing Medic working on the bruise on his knee.

"What the hell were you doing Scout? You've passed out again! You didn't even came for lunch!"

Medic scolded, crossing his arms at him. His expression softened when he observed more of Scout's facial expression.

"Are you alright Scout?"

"I'm..I'm fine, Doc...Um. Medic, do I talk too much?"

"Nein, why are you thinking that?"

"Because I..I feel like I'm annoying."

"Don't say that." Medic stroked Scout's hair gently. "Are you really okay Scout?"

Scout didn't answer, he just stared at the floor.

"Scout? Scout do you hear me-"

"I'll go use the bathroom."

He got up and ran off. Scout ran and ran until he reached the bathroom, getting inside one of the stalls.

"He thinks I'm annoying. Why am I so dumb?!"

Scout clenched his fists, having someone he had a crush on hate him was a nightmare. Tears started to well up in his eyes, threatening to spill any moment. Scout leaned against the wall, letting his tears flow freely. He wiped his face, sobbing.

Scout gasped when he felt a sharp pain in his chest again, making him slump down and sit. He whimpered, unable to get up. Everything hurt. Scout jumped when he heard the bathroom door outside him open. He covered his mouth, trying not to draw attention.

"Yesterday's battle was a blast, surprisingly no spies sapped my sentry!"

Engineer's voice echoed in the room.

"That's nice to hear."

Sniper replied back, getting inside one of the stalls. Scout slowly stood up, planning to get away but the pain made him stumbled and hit the stall door, making a loud noise.

"What the heck was that?" The Texan asked, pausing what he was doing.

"Anyone there?"

Sniper called out. Scout covered his mouth, his body trembling from pain and fear.

"Maybe you're hearing things."

Sniper yelled, flushing the toilet. "Anyways, Engie, do you think Scout's annoying sometimes?"

"Meh, not really, but sometimes yes."

"Right, he just..talks to much sometimes it's annoying. I accidentally said that to him too. I think I hurt his feelings."

"Then why did you say it?"

"It slipped out, I didn't mean it. I don't think Scout would care either way, he's too oblivious and naive to."

"Sniper, that's rude."

"What? It's not like he's here anyways."



Scout felt offended, he leaned back against the wall, sobbing quietly into his hands. The words felt like sharp knives stabbing him, literally. His body was aching from unknown pain. He had left the medicine at the medbay too.

Scout got up, planning to sneak out, but from how dizzy he felt, it made him fall and push the door open.



"Ah, hey buddy!"



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