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Love Is temporary insanity, an overall waste of time.

The end of the day had come once again for Nichole, she had to know what was inside that gothic man's head and why he chose to ignore her rather than to just tell her about his disinterest in her. She didn't believe he was disinterested, she just believed he was too proud to ever admit to anything of the sorts. The curvaceous woman left the bakery and marched her way down to the coffee shop, hoping and praying Michael was still there and he was he was standing outside smoking his disgusting cigarettes.

As she approached him she yelled out"Oh hey! Remember me?"

Michael looked up from the ground to hear a lady's voice one he wish he could hear forever. But only in his fantasies. He sighed heavily "yes of course I do"

She stood there and tapped her foot "Well then, why can't you text or call"

The tall goth grabbed for the door handle to the coffee shop "uh I have to go I've forgotten something inside"

Nichole wasn't backing down she wanted answers, demanded them she grabbed his arm "This will only take a second"

Her eyes made him weak "okay fine what would you like to know?

Now that she had him where she wanted him she let everything out "Michael I know your avoiding me, but is it because I'm repulsive because last time I checked you seam to enjoy our day together so what is it"

The tall goth shrugged and chose to lie to hopefully make her go away so he can go back to pretend the two had never met. "It was okay but it was just work nothing more"

"Nothing more you say? Then why were you smiling and acting like you were having a good time then. You picked me up so I wouldn't have to walk, you were the perfect gentleman. You can't tell me you didn't feel anything"

Michael raised his voice "I think you have the wrong idea what we had was fun I'll admit that but that's all no romantic feelings, none of that bullshit"

Nichole shook her head refusing to believe him
"The only bullshit here is everything coming out of your mouth, you can admit we had something or I'll just disappear and you can continue to act like I don't exist"

Michael was pissed she was the only woman who could piss him off this badly "you know what if you want to leave, fucking leave don't expect me to beg you to stay. I told you we have nothing we won't ever be anything your foolish to think anything like that.

Nichole had no words everything she needed to know had been spoken she felt tears begin to well up In her eyes and she walked away only after she had made it a good distance away from the coffee did she cry.

Michael didn't mean any of those words he had just spoken but he just knew any relationship he'd ever have would be doomed. They always were. Why set yourself up for such a failure. He felt these things but he sat on the floor crying. It'd be ages since he'd actually let himself feel emotions. He also didn't believe she'd leave. Where would she go she has a whole business here, she said she loved south park or atleast enjoyed it. He lyed on the floor of his office and stared at the ceiling.

Nichole went into her room and packed up what she could fit in two suitcases not knowing where she'd go but she was not staying here. She had Wendy look after her bakery while she'd be gone and went down to her car and drove as far as she could away from South Park.

It was the next morning and after not getting a wink of sleep. The curly goth knew what he had to do. Fuck his views on love he had to try he loved Nichole with every ounce of his being he pulled himself up from the bed and clothed himself, prepared for a run he didn't even smoke his usual morning cigarette. He texted Pete letting him know he'd be late and sprinted towards the bakery. It was open but no sign of Nichole's car he didn't worry too much because sometimes she didn't drive to work. He knew this because he was also keeping tabs on her. He walked in the bakery and his heart sank when he seen someone else at the counter. Wendy . She frowned "what do you want emo boy?" Michael scowled at her "where's Nichole?" "Out of town, who knows when she will be back. Did you need an order or something?" Michael felt a knot in his stomach and his throat attempt to close "no" he exited the bakery and went outside and went behind a building and punched a cinderblock wall and screamed "no way, no way, no way"

Pete closed the door and locked it having a bad feeling, he walked down the sidewalk to find Michael sobbing and bleeding from his broken hand. "Fuck dude what are you doing out here like this" he took his apron and covered the tall goths wound.

"She's gone forever.."

Pete knew exactly who he was talking about.
Okay who cares about her your hand is broken you need a hospital.

"I don't give a fuck I'll rot here"
"Michael, please just shut up for a minute and listen he walked his friend to the bus and waited until it came and they both rode it together" the red goth had never seen his friend so messed up over another person. It was very sad to say the least. They arrived at the hospital and the tall goth got his hand all bandaged up and wiped his face from any tears.

He looked at Pete and thanked him and asked him to never question him of this incident ever again. Pete willingly agreed.

South Park Goth Kids Fanfiction MichaelxNicholeWhere stories live. Discover now