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H E L L O!
I hope you will all like this one.


"Aah~, hyung. Gent-ly please."

"And why would I listen to you?"

"Hah, hyung. Ouhh It hurts, please!"

"It's not like you listened to me when I told you to stop earlier."

"I'm sorr- ah! I'm sorry. Aah ah ah."

"Ugh, fucking stay still, Jungkook. I'm almost done."

"Ouch, it h-hurts.", Jungkook mumbled as small tears fell from his eyes.

Taehyung, his boyfriend, looked down at the younger face - his wide doe-eyes and pouted lips, red from abusing it with his bunny teeth, and groaned. "Stop giving me that look, baby. It's all your fault.", he said, trying to be stern but everyone knows that it is nothing but a facade.

The older is a sucker for Jungkook's puppy face.

Seeing that his boyfriend's facade is gradually falling, the younger pouted his lips more and widened his starry eyes even more.

Taehyung averted his eyes and then continued to do the work at hand that was-

Applying ointment to the younger's wound, which he got from being careless.


Anyways, to the explanation why Jungkook was screaming like that is because he was dramatic, and likes to be dramatic.

"Jungkook, stop pouting. It's done.", Taehyung said finally taping the scratch with a ban-aid. He sighed, finally done and keeps the first aid box away and leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes, relaxing as he kept an arm on his eyes.

Jungkook sniffles and rubbed his cheeks and eyes, getting rid of the tears. He looked at the older who still looked like he was angry with him.

He sighed.

Think Jungkook, think. How to get hyungie to forgive you?

The thing was- Jungkook had been running around the apartment after snatching Taehyung's phone from him because he wanted to spend some time with the other and that stupid device was taking all of the attention of his boyfriend from him. Now that's something intolerable for Jungkook.

If Jungkook wants attention, he gets attention. Even if he has to snatch it away.

After some running and chasing, the older had finally caught the younger and Jungkook had squeaked loudly before grasping harshly onto the buff shoulders of his boyfriend, forgetting he had a phone too in his grasp causing it to slip and crash onto the wall behind and break.

Jungkook had gasped wildly as he quickly ran to see how much damage was caused to the poor device which was expensive as hell.

What he failed to remember was a glass shelf that was protruding from the wall at his chest length and as he crouched to pick the phone up, Taehyung shouted warning him but it was too late and he hit his forehead on the shelf and got himself a bruise.

And it has been twenty-five minutes from then and he got a long ass lecture on how careless he is from Taehyung who also cleaned his wound and applied a band-aid to it.

Jungkook inched closer to Taehyung till he was pressed against his sides. "Hyungie~, I'm sorry.", he whined as he clutched onto one of the arms of his boyfriend with both of his hands.

But Taehyung only swatted his hands away from his arms and scooted away from the younger and crossed his arms across his chest. He did not even open his eyes. (Because he knew it would be a lost case if he saw the pout on those pink lips and those wide doe eyes pleading him.)

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