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"Where's your boyfriend today?", Jin asked walking beside Taehyung who just shrugged.

"I don't know." They could feel he was being sulky. "He's been staying at his dorm since Monday."

"OOOooOoH, trouble in paradise?" Namjoon asked, amused. It was very unusual to see the two of them live separate and Monday was 3 days ago.

This is what you basically call 'impossible' in Taekook's dating history.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at his friends. "Hyung, it's just because he was working on a new song and according to him, I distract him." He couldn't help but scoff. "That's why he went away."

Distract? And him? Never.
As far as he can remember, he has never ever disturbed Jungkook while he was studying or working.

Okay, he did ask for a kiss or two or maybe just a hug... But that doesn't count, right? Riiiight...

Jin rolled his eyes. "Just say you're clingy and don't let him work so left your ass."

"Hyung! I'm not that clingy." Taehyung had to object.

"That's clearly a bluff." Hoseok commented as he joined them. Taehyung opened his mouth to retort but then closed it quick, accepting his fate.

"Hoba! You're too busy for us nowadays.", Jin frowned. "When was the last time we all ate together?"

Hoseok thought for a few seconds before frowning. "Wow, I can't remember. It must've been too long."

"Let's all go out for lunch today.", Namjoon suggests and everyone agrees. "Someone inform those two too."

"Who? Jimin and Yoongi?" Jin asks.

"Who else?"

"Oh. Are they still alive?"

The three of them stop to stare at him so he shrugs. "I just asked. Fine, I'll inform them later."

Jimin and Yoongi are their friends, of course, who have recently started dating. Six of them have been friends from when their college started, except Jimin and Taehyung who knew each other from way back.

"I don't even see Jimin anymore. It's like Yoongi hyung has kidnapped him or something.", Taehyung rolled his eyes.

If Taehyung and Jungkook are clingy, Yoongi and Jimin are exactly magnets.

All of them looked at him with judgemental eyes, as if saying 'you're no better.' But he can ignore them, so he does.

"I'm skipping the first lecture, it's too early to exhaust my brain." Jin rubs his forehead in irritation. "I'll just complete the assignment that's due for yesterday in the cafeteria."

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