Chapter 1.

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Setting: Everyone is at school and playing outside at recess. The whole class decided to play Freeze Tag since Riley made a check board and everything for the game.

Riley's pov: ( Looks down at her check board make sure she has everyone's name on the list). okay, raise your hand if you haven't sighed the check board yet! ( Sees that nobody raises their hand). Okay that's good! Now does everyone have a Emily face on their hand?  ( Sees that Poppy and Grayson raise their hand). Okay! Come over here and let me put a smiley face on your hand. Elly: Everyone get in a line over here if you signed your name on the check board and got a smiley face. ( points in front of her to count everyone to see if we have enough people to play the game). ( As everyone lines up, Grayson and Poppy get their smiling faces and go into the line). Riley: okay, Who wants to be the seekers? Bruce and Brandy: ( Raises their hand). Riley: ( Looks at Brandy and Bruce). You sure you want to be seekers? Bruce: Yeah, Why not? Riley: Okay. ( Looks at Bruce and Brandy). Turn around and count to ten! ( Bruce and Brandy run over to the door and starts counting to ten). Kate: EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELVES!! ( Runs to the playground and soon the others follow).

Time skip brought to you by Lilly!

Lilly: ( Walks over to a tree and sits down). Uh I'm so tired...( Lays her head in the tree and sighs). I think I'm about to just quit... ( A random teacher walks up to her). Mrs Rose: Hello there, Whatz the matter? ( Looks down at Lilly). Lilly: I'm just tired from running around all day. ( Looks up at Mrs Rose). Why so you ask? Mrs Rose: Well you looked so sad and gloomy, So I decided to check it out. ( Smiles at Lilly). Lilly: Thanks. But I'm okay! ( Gives a thumbs up to Mrs Rose). Mrs Rose: Well I have a special gift for you. Just follow me dear...( Smiles). Lilly: ( Looks a little bit nervous). Okay, I guess I'll go see what it is....( Mrs Rose chuckles and grabs Lilly by the hand and slowly walks to behind the building). Lilly: Wait why are we going behind the school building? ( Pulls away for. Mrs Rose). Because it's a big surprise, and I don't want anyone messing it up or telling you before you get to see it. ( Grabs Lilly"s hand and pulls her behind the school building). Lilly: ( Pulls away again and looks around). Where is the surprise? ( looks at Mrs Rose with a confused look). Mrs Rose: You'll see soon... ( Pulls a syringe out of a pocket and stabs Lilly's neck with it). Lilly: ( Tries to scream but Mrs Rose covers her mouth). Mrs Rose: No making noises dear, It would ruin the surprise for your friends....( Lilly bites Mrs Rose's hand but it does nothing, Soon her vision goes blurry and she passes out)..

( After a while of waiting, Mrs Rose got all the students in the class to follow her behind the school building. Some people got curious about what's going on, But all Mrs Rose Said that they gotten into trouble and she needed to talk to them. After a few hours the class wakes up in an abandoned house).

Emily: (Wakes up with a headache). W-what happened? ( looks around the dark room and sees no one). W-WHERE THE FUCK AM I?! ( Gets up and looks around the room in a panic). W-WHAT HAPPENED?! DID I DIE?! April: ( Walks into the room tears rolling down her face). G-go into the living room....Now...( Walks out of the dark room, LEAVEING Emily alone). Emily: ( Runs out of. The room and sees Poppy and some other people sitting in the living room trying to figure out where they are). Emily: ( Runs over to Poppy). Where the heck is everyone else?!
Poppy: As soon as they woke up they ditch everything and left. Lilly, Kate, Grayson, and I stayed and waited until you and April woke up.  Emily: I don't care who stayed! What I do care about is knowing WHERE THE FUCK WE ARE!! ( Starts to panic). Poppy: Emily calm dow- Emily: ( Runs over to the Kicken and grabs a broken plate and runs back into the living room). Tell me where the fuck we are! Poppy: EMILY CALM DOWN! ( Looks terrified and starts to cry a little). Emily: TELL ME WHERE I AM! ( Looks like she is about to bash Poppy's brains out with the broken plate) Kate: WE DON'T KNOW!! ( Stars to tear up). W-we woke up h-here a-a-abd w-we don't k-now where w-we are....
Emily: ( Starts to calm down). I-I'm so so sorry....( Puts the broken plate on a bookshelf). April: ( Walks over to Kate with a bote and gives it to her with a shocked expression). Kate: What is it? ( looks a the note confused as hell). Grayson: Let me see it! ( Grabs the note and starts reading it).
Note: * Hello fellow contestants.* Today we will be putting you in a game of a real life or death situation, to see if you can survive and are worth letting go alive. If you fail to complete the task, you will die. The game is Freeze Tag. We will pick one of you to be the tagger. Once we pick the tagger we will mutate them into a monster with the old failed experiments. If the monster chatches you, it will have a choice to kill you or freeze you. If it choches to freeze you it will shocked you body with a certain drug to freeze you body, And if you are frozen too long you will freeze to death. And if the monster choches to kill you...Well you know what happens. If the monster kills or freezes all of the contestants, the monster will win and let go, While you guys would die. And of you guys win, You will be let home free and the monster will have to face the consequences of not winning. The time we placed you in this house was 9:00am. The monster will arrive at your house at 10:00am. There should be a clock to see what time it is. Good luck.
Grayson: HOLY SHIT! ( looks like he is about to have a heart attack and looks at the clock). ITS 9:30AM! Lilly: Crap we need to go now! ( Grabs the broken plate Emily had and runs outside). April: Kate come on! ( Grabs Kate's hand). Kate: Wait shouldn't we get somth- ( April drags Kate out of the house). Poppy: ( Grabs a broken chair leg and runs though the back door to the woods). Grayson: Shit, What the hell do we do?! ( Looks at Emily). I-I'm going to hide outside...( Slowly walks outside the house). Grayson: Why the hell are barley any people getting something to protect themselves?! ( Runs into the over rooms to look for something to get and finds a baseball bat). Nice! ( Runs through the back door and into the woods).

Okay that's all for now. Chapter one is done! Have a good day/Night/Noon/.

( 1215 words).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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