P1 C6: You Were Born - Epiloque

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Chapter 6: You Were Born - Epilogue
The journey begins

(Aka you’re gonna hate me for this one)

I’m sorry but yeah.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
“JD!” Branch called, closing the door to the apartment he shared with his older brother. He and his big brother lived in a city amongst giants, although the area they lived in had been created specifically for smaller races, like trolls. It had taken his brother years for him to get them to this point on their feet and enough ability to move on. And now that they were finally there, they were going to leave. 

They had been planning this journey for years.

Branch didn’t remember a lot about what had happened when he and his brother were taken from their home by a Bergen, as he had been so young and it had been traumatic. JD stayed fairly closed lip about it. It had gotten annoying at points in his life, but as Branch got older, he couldn’t quite blame him. It hadn’t been just awful for Branch, it had left his brother with burns, mild hand tremors and a nasty scar on his face. He had healed well, physically, even though it had taken years, but those memories and those feelings did not go away.

Getting home from school he shrugged off his vest and darted to the bedroom where his brother had undoubtedly dozed off. He was laying on his stomach, face half buried in the pillow, snoring softly. He didn’t really want to wake him up. JD barely got enough sleep as it was. Branch pulled a light blanket over his… his brother’s back.

Branch struggled with that, calling him brother. It didn’t seem like enough for all the things that he had done for him. For the person who sheltered, fed, clothed him and taught him right from wrong. And everything else. For the last, ten years it had just been them. Branch had wanted to talk about it with him for years but was never quite able to muster up the courage.

Maybe when they were out on the road for a while.

Branch had waited for this moment for a long time. For this trip. For leaving. JD had told him everything he knew about Spruce and Clay and Floyd and they finally - finally - found a way out of the city towards the Troll Kingdoms. It would be a long journey but well worth it.

He realized that if it hadn’t been for his young age and JD’s rather long intensive recovery, his brother would probably have had left by now. Long before now. But Branch was older and he could handle it. He knew he could. JD had raised him to be strong and determined. To never give up, always be prepared and do your best. To keep improving all the time.

He couldn’t wait to see his brothers again, even if he didn’t remember them really well. He couldn’t wait to see the look on JD’s face when they finally saw them again.

Their apartment was bare bones now after selling, trading or giving away all of the possessions they couldn’t take with them on the road. JD planned to straight up leave the bed for the next tenant. It had taken him forever to get that thing. There was hardly any food left and their minimal bags were packed waiting at the door.

“How long have you been sitting there?” JD’s voice asked with a muttering sigh.

“Not long,” Branch replied, truthfully. It was a matter of opinion. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Hmm… but it is time to go.”

“Whenever you are ready. We can wait until tomorrow if you want.”

“That is what you said yesterday,” JD chuckled with an amused huff. Yesterday, his brother had spent nearly the entire day sleeping, despite planning to leave. Branch had let him. “Don’t worry, kiddo. We are going to leave today. Just give me a minute to get up.”

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