P2 C2: Looking Down the Rows

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Chapter 2: Looking Down the Rows
Clay doesn't really trust anyone anymore.

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Clay liked to keep busy.

Ever since Spruce announced they were going to leave the Troll Tree when their traitorous mother handed over their oldest - and, in turn, accidentally their youngest as well - to the Bergens to be eaten, Clay kept himself busy with things to do. It was all he could do to not fall into the hatred that he held for someone he was supposed to call family. Going from four to two brothers had been wildly jarring and it was still something that he could hardly believe at times. Sometimes it felt like he could turn around and Branch or John Dory would just be there. He wished they would.

Over ten years later and he still wished they would just appear.

Would he be angry? He had no idea, but at this point, he'd give almost anything for it to happen. Clay was an angry person. He knew that and it had gotten far worse since that betrayal and loss. He had a hard time trusting anyone and sometimes felt like he was slipping up with his trust with his brothers. He knew they were the only people he could trust but sometimes, in the deepest pits of the back of his mind, he questioned them as well. It was a shameful thing, he knew, and he was aware they would never do anything to harm him or each other. It was just difficult sometimes, since they were betrayed by the person who was literally supposed to be their mother. Blood did so little.

He loved his grandmother but he wasn't sure if he really trusted her either. She hadn't done anything to earn this mistrust or ire and he got along with her just fine but Clay kept his trust very, very, very close to his chest. Earning it was a near impossible task.

Clay would like to think he settled into the new Pop Village fairly well. When Spruce had told their grandmother and King Peppy about what happened, it had sparked a massive moment to escape the tree. Instead of waiting for the tunnels to be entirely finished, he sent groups of trolls out during the night to escape. Over the course of several months, there were practically none left.

Viva, King Peppy's daughter, had been one of the first to get out of the troll tree, leaving with Clay and his brothers. And then, somehow, they became friends. Sometimes it felt like all he did was make her laugh once and she decided that they would be best friends. Clay didn't entirely mind. Viva distracted him from the devastating loss of his two brothers. It would take her nearly that entire ten years to gain his true trust but if there was one thing that Viva was, it was persistent. She never gave up on him so he never gave up on her.

He told her, several years ago, about what had happened. She had heard rumors but she kept them close to the vest, knowing how Clay felt about a lot of things. He appreciated that.

Losing Branch was shocking and it was a tragedy more than anything else. He was so young and never had the chance to grow into anyone. He was just a baby. He would always be a baby now. They were that family, those poor brothers who tragically lost their youngest due to a horrible accident and misunderstanding.

Branch wasn't a kid or a teenager or anyone with any friends or known personality. He was defined by the end of his life. No one remembered Branch as Branch except for Clay and his remaining brothers. And even that was thin at best. Branch had been so young. They barely got the time to get to know him.

Losing John Dory was a blow none of them saw coming and none of them could have prepared for.

Suddenly, everyone had more responsibilities and it hit all of them full force in the face. Gone were the days of coming to the table for an already made dinner. Gone were the days of goofing off, making funny dances and hanging out with friends all the time. Gone were the days of bossy scolding and soft goodnight forehead kisses and lame endearing nicknames.

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