Chapter 3

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Bad spelling

Nobody Pov
Floyd was driving the bus, "I can drive Dorian" he rolled his eyes. "What if you crash her?!" John was worried for his beloved bus.

"I won't crash her" Floyd groaned, this had been going on for ages. "I would not know!" john frantically waved his hand around.

Soon, they saw something in the distance. It was an island, exactly like the one on the postcard. "Oh hell naw-" floyd's eyes widened.

"WOO HOO I KNEW WE'D FIND IT" John exclaimed excitedly, he pushed floyd aside and hopped in the drivers seat, "Move aside gay boy-" 

"HEY-" Floyd yelled in offence. "Petal to the metal, squarehead" Poppy pointed at the island. "Let's mobilize!" John said, putting his goggles on.

The bus went full speed ahead but there was a cliff, "Don't worry guys, Rhonda here is completely waterproof" John yelled over Floyd's and poppy's screams.

Meanwhile with Branch

"Ugh, Im bored" Branch groans, yes. He is kidnapped and he is bored. "Ugh, this guy is sooo annoying" Velvet rolls her eyes.

"And you are sooo ugly- AHHHHHH" the shock collar shocks branch as the muzzle comes on again. 

"Ugh" Branch slumps onto the side of the diamond bottle. "You're more annoying than cloud guy-" Branch rolled his eyes. 

Velvet shocked him as she was also annoyed by him, Branch yelled in pain. His body was already starting to fade.

"Ugh, do you see what you're doing to me? Your literally sucking the life out of me!" Branch pointed to his faded feet.

"Ugh that's what we tell crimp everyday" Veneer glared at crimp who started to cry. Branch rolled his eyes, clearly bored.

Meanwhile with the others

John, poppy and Floyd were making their way through the tube jungle. "John can I ask you something?" Floyd asked quietly.

"Sure, what's up lil bro?" John smiled. "With Branch being kidnapped and all, Do you..regret leaving..?" Floyd looked away, rubbing his arm.

John sighed and replied, "Of course..I might have prevented this if I stayed" John chopped through the tubes with his sword.

"Me too" Floyd sighed. Poppy noticed that they were a bit sad, "Hey, wanna know something?" She asked them.

Floyd and john turned to her, "Branch kept pictures of you guys in his bunker" she smiled, thinking about her boyfriend.

"R-really?" John and Floyd paused, they abandoned their baby brother and still, he kept pictures of them.

"Yeah, right to pictures of his demon side-" Poppy accidentally revealed branch's secret to two brothers.

'H-His what?!" Floyd was startled by this. Poppy explained it all to them, his brothers stood there, taking in all this new info.

"So let me get this straight, Our baby brother died?!" John yelled, tears fell from his eyes. "And he became the Radio Demon?!" Floyd yelled, tears flowing down his face.

"B-But how..?" John whimpered, "A bergen got to him" Poppy sighed. "He's fine tho, he is strong, he's a dragon and he is alive" poppy said hopefully.

"Yeah but half dead!" Floyd pointed, "We could have stayed..HE COULD HAVE SURVIVED AND LIVED IF WE WERE THERE" Floyd sobbed, on his knees.

John rubbed his back, tears also pouring from his eyes. "Branch He..He is fine though, right?" John turned to poppy.

"He is! Really! He is fine, not in pain and healthy" Poppy waved her hands frantically. "We have to keep going, For branch" Floyd stood up, wiping his tears.

They continued walking and bumped into a vacay puppet, they screamed. "Oh hey" The muppet greeted them.

"Check it out, I found some fellow rock climbers" the muppet said to some small children muppets.

"Welcome to Vacay Island where everyday is a vacay" the muppet smiled. They watched in awe as they walked around.

They then saw a troll surfing, "Spruce?!" John stared at his younger brother. Spruce however, being an old deaf man- did not hear john.

Spruce reached the shore of the beach and walked back to a restaurant with the sign that says Bruce and sons (and daughter).

"Lenny! Seaweed rolls are almost out!" Spruce shouted to a muppet and the muppet returns a smile.

"Spruce!" floyd yelled which caused Spruce to turn around, "Guys?!"

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