Chapter 7

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ADHD JOKES, also scratch everything about poppy being branch's gf, yeah this AU has a diff appronch, yeah unfortuantely no broppy :( Branch would be single XD

nobodys pov

The loud voice startled them as they scream. It was a clown, a huge one. Bravely, Floyd stepped up.

"L-Look, we don't want any clown related problems, we are here looking for clay" Floyd said to the clown.

"Wait a minute, you're..trolls?" The clown seemed confused. "Y-Yeah, so what? you're a clown" John dory pointed out.

The clown stopped and from its mouth, popped out a yellow ball. It was a troll! "OH MY GOSH HELLLOOO!" The troll excitedly greeted us.

The troll kinda looked like poppy, "My name is viva!It is so fantasamazing to see other trolls" She went around hugging everyone.

"So Fantasamazing is my own personal word, it means fantastic and amazing. I used to say Mastic but it did not work out" Viva ADHD ranted poppy-

"Fantas-uh-awesome" poppy stuttered, not having the right amount of ADHD to fight hers. "So this is how people feel when they meet me-"

"Am I a lot? Sometimes I can be a lot" Viva laughed and giggled. "I don't think we are in the right place-" Bruce said when Viva interrupted him.

"Sure you are! Any troll is welcomed with us, okay. Putt Putt trolls!" Some trolls surround them. "Lights on for our new guests!"

In a second, the golf course exploded with colours and lights. It was a small sanctuary for the Putt Putt trolls.

Meanwhile with branch

"Ugh, these people are so annoying.." branch was lying on the ground on the diamond bottle. "Can we kill him please-" Velve was interruped by Veneer.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, WE ARE NOT KILLING HIM!" Veneer pinched the bridge of his nose. "Can I go see my brothers again?" Branch asked.

"You saw them already-" Veneer said. "Yeah for 1 minute in 20 years!" Branch pouted. "Ugh, Fine, if you can leave us in peace again-" Velvet rolled her eyes.

Branch smiled happily, wagging his tiny troll tail. (Yes they look cuter with tails) He teleported again, happy to go and see his brothers.

With them,

Viva was eating some fries and drinking some milkshakes with them when the familiar red smoke appeared.

"Huh?" Bruce turned to the smoke. Soon, branch appeared. "I hate Velvet I swear to g-" Viva tackled him in a hug.

"V-viva..?" Branch said in a shaky voice. "Y-Your alive..?" branch hugged back. "Branch..?" Branch looked up to see his brothers in tears.

"Oh hey guys" He waved at them. "How do you know Viva?" John asked. "Viva is also half dead, she and I were sent to earth again when-"

"When you died.." Bruce completed branch's sentence. "The thing is Viva took care of me like my older sister when we went back to earth"

"I can only go once and die again, branch on the other hand-" Viva said, gesturing to branch. "I am immortal" Branch looked proud.

"Of course, I die when my time is up in life but other than that, I am immortal" Branch smiled. "Where is clay?" Branch looked around.

"Did someone call for m-" Clay came from the darkness to see his brothers there. "Clay?" Bruce went to greet his brother.

They did a handshake and talked, "Clay :D" John dory opened his arms, "John-" Clay gave him a cold look.

Branch and Viva starts to wheeze, "Hey!"John glares at them. "I go by bruce now, clay" Bruce told clay.

"Bruce, okay, someone got fancy! I like that" Clay smiles. "You're telling me, is that a sweater romper?"

"What can I say? When you co-run a place, you gotta flex the drip" Clay pulled his sweater romper's collar.

Then Branch was chocked by the collar again and disappeared. "WHAT HAPPEN TO BRANCH?!" Clay yelled.

"Yeah someone explain it to him" Viva pointed at clay with her thumb. They all explain it to clay who took it well actually.

"Okay.." Clay shrugged. "We were all devastated by this, how are you fine?!" John was shocked. "I knew Viva has been like that for years, I guess I am used to it?"

"We don't have time for this-" John was interrupted by Viva. "Oh my gosh, i-it's you!" she was staring at poppy.

Poppy stared back, tears in her eyes. "V-Viva..?" she stuttered. She then tackled Viva in a hug, "I am reaching a stage beyond confusion-" Floyd randomly said, while staring at them.

"The thing is that..Viva is my sister!" Poppy shrieked. "I'm sorry WHAT?!"

Diamond prison Branch AUWhere stories live. Discover now