Part 2

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Shanaya: [Answering her phone] Hello?

Father: Hi, Shanaya. How's everything going at the wedding?

Shanaya: Hi, dad. It's going well. Everyone's busy with the preparations.

Father: That's good to hear. Listen, Shanaya, I know you're not the most outgoing person, and these family gatherings can be overwhelming for you.

Shanaya: Yeah, they can be a bit much sometimes.

Father: That's why I want you to stick close to Arjun during the wedding. He's older, more mature, and he'll look out for you.

Shanaya: Arjun? But...

Father: I know you two haven't always been close, but trust me, he's a good guy. And I think it'll be good for you to spend some time with him.

Shanaya: Alright, dad. If you think it's best, I'll try to spend more time with Arjun.

Father: That's my girl. Just remember, he's family, and family looks out for each other.

Shanaya: I understand, dad. Thanks for looking out for me.

Father: Anytime, sweetheart. Enjoy the rest of the wedding, okay?

Shanaya: I will. Love you, dad.

Father: Love you too, Shanaya. Take care.

As Shanaya ended the call, she couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and gratitude towards her father's advice. It was a gentle reminder that even in the midst of family tensions, there was still love and concern underlying their relationships. And as she glanced over at Arjun, she resolved to take her father's words to heart and make the most of their time together at the wedding.

Shanaya: Arjun, can I talk to you for a moment?

Arjun: Of course, Shanaya. What's on your mind?

Shanaya: Well, my father just called me. He said something that got me thinking.

Arjun: Oh? What did he say?

Shanaya: He mentioned that he thinks you're more mature and responsible, and that I should spend time with you at the wedding.

Arjun: [Surprised] Really? That's unexpected. But hey, I'm glad he trusts me enough to take care of you.

Shanaya: Yeah, it was unexpected for me too. But you know how my father is, always looking out for me.

Arjun: Absolutely. Well, I'm here for you if you need anything, Shanaya. You can count on me.

Shanaya: Thanks, Arjun. That means a lot to me. I guess we should make the most of this time together then, huh?

Arjun: Definitely. Let's enjoy the wedding festivities and catch up like old times.

Shanaya: Sounds like a plan.

As they continued to chat and enjoy each other's company, Shanaya couldn't help but feel grateful for her father's advice and for Arjun's reassuring presence by her side. And with each passing moment, she found herself growing more and more comfortable in his company, grateful for the unexpected bond that was forming between them.

As the afternoon sun dipped lower, casting long shadows across the rooftop, a photographer arrived to capture some pre-wedding photos. Vivek, the groom-to-be, patiently posed with aunts and uncles, a hint of nervousness in his eyes. Shanaya found herself lingering on the edges, feeling a tinge of awkwardness.

As Shanaya stood in the corner, watching the bustling photoshoot of Vivek and her aunts, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of loneliness. The joyous laughter and camaraderie surrounding the scene only served to highlight her sense of being left out. She shifted uncomfortably, feeling like an outsider in her own family's celebration.

Arjun, sensing Shanaya's unease, glanced around and noticed her standing alone. Without hesitation, he excused himself from the group and made his way over to her.

Arjun: Hey, Shanaya. What's up? Why are you standing all the way over here?

Shanaya: Oh, hi, Arjun. I... I don't know. I just felt a bit out of place, I guess.

Arjun: [Offering a reassuring smile] I get it. Sometimes these big family gatherings can be overwhelming. But you know what? You're a part of this family, just like everyone else. Come join us for the photoshoot. It'll be fun, I promise.

Shanaya: [Smiling gratefully] Thanks, Arjun. That means a lot.

Arjun chuckled. "Come on, let's get a picture together."

He took her hand, his touch sending a jolt through her. Before she could protest, he was pulling her towards the photographer. They joined the group shot, Vivek grinning in the center as Shanaya stood beside Arjun. The photographer snapped a few more photos, one with just the two of them. As Arjun placed a hand on her shoulder to steady her for the pose, a wave of butterflies erupted in her stomach.

"Maybe he just sees me as a kid," Shanaya thought, trying to brush off the feeling. But a tiny part of her couldn't help but wonder if there might be something more, a spark that flickered between them, waiting to be fanned into a flame.

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