Part 7

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As Arjun stirred awake at the early hour of 4 am, his senses slowly returning to him, he couldn't help but notice the gentle weight of Shanaya's hand resting on his arm. She looked so peaceful, her breathing steady and serene, her features softened by sleep. Arjun couldn't resist a small smile as he watched her, feeling a surge of affection for his cousin.

Arjun carefully extricated his arm from beneath Shanaya's hand, trying not to disturb her slumber. He knew they had a long day ahead of them, and it was important to get an early start.

Arjun: (whispering) "Hey, Shanaya, time to wake up. We've got a wedding to attend, remember?"

Shanaya stirred at the sound of his voice, blinking sleepily as she slowly roused from her dreams.

Shanaya: (groggily) "Huh? What time is it?"

Arjun: "It's 4 am, Shanaya. We need to get ready for the wedding. Come on, rise and shine."

Shanaya rubbed her eyes, her movements slow and sluggish as she struggled to wake up fully.

Shanaya: "Oh, right. The wedding. I forgot about that."

Arjun chuckled, offering her a hand to help her sit up.

Arjun: "Well, now that you're awake, we better start getting ready. We've got a few hours before we need to leave."

Shanaya nodded the realization of the day's events starting to sink in.

Shanaya: "Thanks, Arjun. I'll get up now."

As they both began to prepare for the day ahead, Arjun couldn't shake the image of Shanaya sleeping so peacefully beside him. Despite the early hour and the busy schedule awaiting them, he couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these, when he could share simple, quiet moments with his cousin, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.


Shanaya stood before the mirror, adjusting the delicate folds of her half-saree and smoothing down the intricate embroidery. She took a deep breath, feeling a flutter of excitement mixed with nerves as she prepared to join the festivities.

Shanaya glanced at her phone, contemplating whether to video call her mom for a final opinion. With a nervous flutter in her chest, she tapped the screen, initiating the call.

Mom: "Hello, sweetheart! How's my beautiful girl?"

Shanaya smiled at the familiar voice, feeling a wave of comfort wash over her.

Shanaya: "Hi, Mom! I just wanted to show you my outfit for Vivek's wedding. What do you think?"

Her mother's eyes widened in delight as she took in Shanaya's attire.

Mom: "Oh, Shanaya, you look absolutely breathtaking! everyone will be speechless when they see you."

Shanaya's cheeks flushed with pleasure at her mother's praise, but a hint of uncertainty lingered in her mind.

Shanaya: "Thanks, Mom. I just hope I look okay. I mean, what if I'm overdressed or something?"

Mom: "Oh, sweetheart, you look perfect. And don't worry about impressing anyone. Just be yourself. That's all anyone could ever ask for."

Shanaya nodded, feeling a sense of reassurance from her mother's words.

Shanaya: "Thanks, Mom. I'll try to remember that."

As they chatted a little longer, Shanaya couldn't shake the feeling of nervous excitement bubbling within her. She wanted everything to be perfect, especially in front of Arjun, even though she knew he saw her as nothing more than a sister.

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