Chapter 7

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"Welp, Imma go make food for us. You can explore around the house if you want"

As Kira pulled away from Rantaro's neck and began to stretch, Rantaro couldn't help but feel a mix of disappointment and excitement at the thought of Kira going to prepare dinner while he was left alone in the bedroom. On one hand, he wanted to be close to Kira and experience their intimate moments together, but on the other hand, he was eager to explore the rest of the house and see what secrets it held.

"Okay, I guess I'll take you up on that offer to explore the house. Thanks for offering, Kira~"

Rantaro said, biting his lip playfully as he watched Kira walk towards the kitchen, admiring the way his muscles flexed and moved beneath his tight black suit. Kira waves his hand 

"Of course sweetheart, I trust you won't get into trouble without me here~" 

Kira then chuckles and starts prepping food.

"You're free to do whatever you want, but please don't touch anything in my study, it's my private place~"

Kira calls out from the kitchen.Rantaro smiled at Kira's teasing warning about not touching anything in his study, knowing full well that Kira was probably trying to entice him with a hint of forbidden temptation. He knew that the study was likely where Kira kept all of his most sensitive and taboo belongings, including pornography, BDSM equipment, and possibly even sex toys.

"Don't worry, Kira. I promise I'll be good. No peeking in your private stuff without permission, okay?" 

Rantaro called back playfully, winking at Kira as he headed towards the study, curious about what kinds of naughty surprises he would find hidden within its walls. The study had a wooden desk at the end with many papers on it, it also had a black chair parked in front. in the center of the room was a red rug. It had a campfire and there was many bookshelves alined at the right side of the timber walls. The floor had wooden floor boards and so was the walls. It was cozy and had a nice vibe to it. Rantaro entered the study, he took in his surroundings with curiosity and appreciation. The wooden furnishings and cozy atmosphere gave off a warm and inviting vibe, making him feel like he was stepping into someone's personal sanctuary.

"Wow, this place is really nice," 

Rantaro remarked, glancing around at all the books lining the shelves and admiring the rustic charm of the room. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of stories and fantasies Kira indulged in while sitting at his desk or relaxing in his comfy black chair.

"So, no peeking without permission, huh? Well, rules are meant to be broken~"

Rantaro noticed that the books in the study were all written in an unfamiliar language, which piqued his curiosity even further. He knew that Kira must have been interested in exploring various cultures and kinks from around the world, and he found himself wondering what kinds of taboo and exotic fantasies Kira had collected and hidden away in his private library.

"These books look really interesting, but I can't read them," 

Rantaro noted aloud while flipping through one of the volumes, hoping that Kira would catch wind of his comment and come check them out with him. Rantaro felt a sudden wave of queasiness wash over him as he flipped through the pages of the book, feeling repulsed by the graphic descriptions of extreme violence, humiliation, and degradation. The very idea of people getting off on such twisted concepts made his stomach churn, but at the same time, he found himself unable to look away from the horrific images depicted within the pages.

"Jesus Christ... This is some seriously fucked up shit," 

Rantaro murmured under his breath, trying to fight off the feeling of revulsion coursing through him while simultaneously feeling a twinge of arousal at the dark nature of the material. Kira walked in, seeing Rantaro reading the book

"Yeah, its pretty messed up huh?"

Kira walks over and looks at the book, he then takes it from Rantaro and puts it back on the shelf

"Sorry you had to see that, but I find it fascinating."

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