Chapter 8

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Rantaro woke up alone in the bed, feeling a sudden sense of panic and unease wash over him. He sat up quickly, his heart racing as he tried to remember where Kira had gone. Had he abandoned Rantaro already? Was he not pleased with Rantaro's performance as a pet?


Rantaro called out weakly, standing up from the bed and looking around the room for any sign of Kira's presence. His mind raced with possibilities, trying to figure out what had happened and if there was anything he could do to fix it. 

Rantaro waited several minutes, growing increasingly anxious as he didn't hear any indication that Kira was nearby. He started pacing back and forth across the room, feeling an overwhelming sense of loneliness and abandonment wash over him. It felt like he had lost something important and dear to him, even though logically he knew that wasn't true.

"Kira... where are you?"

Rantaro whispered softly, tears starting to form in his eyes as he felt a growing sense of despair and helplessness. He wanted nothing more than to be reunited with his Master and have the chance to make things right if he had done something wrong.

"Please come back, Master... I need you near me,"

Rantaro carefully walked out of the bedroom, feeling a growing sense of urgency and desperation as he searched for any sign of Kira. He looked around the house, checking every corner and room to try and locate his Master. He felt a deep sense of panic and anxiety as time passed and still couldn't find Kira.

"Kira... where are you?"

Rantaro whispered softly, tears streaming down his face as he felt an overwhelming sense of loss and separation from the man who had become his entire world.

"Master... I hope I haven't done something wrong and made you leave me like this..."

He thought to himself, feeling a growing sense of hopelessness and despair as he continued searching for any trace of Kira.


Rantaro walked quietly through the hallway, feeling a mixture of relief and disappointment wash over him as he saw Kira sitting in his armchair reading a book. He had found Kira, but at the same time, he realized that Kira had purposely distanced himself from Rantaro, making him feel like he was unimportant and unwanted.


Rantaro whispered, standing in the doorway and staring at Kira with a sad expression on his face. He felt like he needed to speak to Kira about why he seemed so distant, but also feared that bringing up the subject might make things worse between them.

"Can I come sit with you?"

Kira looks up at Rantaro, his face was emotionless and calm,

"Oh your awake... Yes, of course, you can sit here, dear." 

He says calmly, but there's something off about his tone.

 "Come sit on my lap my dear" 

Kira says as he taps on his lap with his free hand

Rantaro hesitated for a moment, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside him as he considered whether or not to accept Kira's invitation. On one hand, he craved the physical closeness and warmth that being in Kira's lap would provide, but on the other hand, he felt like Kira was purposefully pushing him away and making him feel like he was unimportant and unwanted.

"Master... I don't want to cause any trouble or upset you," 

Rantaro said nervously,

 "But I feel like something is wrong and I need to talk to you about it." 

He bit his lip gently, trying to gather the courage to confront Kira about his behavior and ask for reassurance that everything was okay between them.

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