Chapter 6

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I like to use italics for thoughts and sometimes other stuff, I use Grammarly to help edit my chapters, for some weird reason it is not working today on this page so I had to go to the website itself. When I upload my chapters it takes off my italics and bold. So I have to go and redo it here. This chapter is 12 pages on a word documents. It's a lot to go through and check, so I might miss a few thoughts and if I do I'm sorry. So just be aware some thoughts might not be in italics

Ash stared at the plate before her, scrambled eggs and fruit she'd never seen before. She wasn't even sure what type of animal these eggs came from. Her mind trailed to the fact that trolls lay eggs—obviously not troll eggs, but still odd to think about. The fruit looked like a large kiwi, though instead of green, the flesh was purple. And a blue banana?

"Is something wrong?" Trollex questioned as Ash stared blankly at the plate before her. He had quickly scrambled some eggs over a fire and sliced fruit for the two of them. "I'm sorry. Should I get something else?" She might not like it. His mind raced, thinking of different breakfast food he could get for her.

Realizing she hadn't reacted to the meal, Ash jolted back to reality. "No! It's okay." I assume. I've just never seen this type of fruit before." She admitted, deciding it was best not to question the eggs. She focused on the fruit.

Trollex blinked in surprise. It hadn't even crossed his mind that the food would be different between the two worlds. He watched carefully as she slowly lifted a piece of egg to her mouth. Trollex felt himself relax when she nodded in approval.

"You don't seem scared at all; how do you hide it so well?"

"Scared of what?"

"You've been pulled into a new world, no other humans; everything is different, you said, even the texture of everything is different. You seem concerned, but you're showing no obvious fear." He frowned.

Ash shook her head. "I was terrified at first. But if I showed that to the idiot, she would've broken down. I really don't need her having a breakdown while navigating this world." Ash ran her hands over the odd grass as she spoke. "This feels so fake, like a crafting material. The sun smiles at me every time I look up, and it's a creepy smile." She glared up at the sun. "In my world, some people have this belief in heaven and hell, I'll save you the details, but they believe when they die, good people go to heaven, and bad people go to hell. When we first arrived, the land we ended up in looked like what people claim hell to be. That was terrifying. Then that giant worm thing trying to eat us. If Branch hadn't appeared and saved us, we would've been eaten." She shivered at the memory. "Now that we're in the pop village, there are nonstop parties and singing." She sighed. "I like music, but it's getting overwhelming." The hug time bracelet Poppy had gifted her as she spoke lit up. "And this." She covered it with her hand. "Being hugged every hour by strangers is hard for me. However, with the whole situation itself, I'm more comfortable. I'm feeling more concern and frustration now."

He sat frozen, unsure how to respond for a moment, but then one thing caught his attention. "Volcano Rock City is terrifying when you don't know what it is and the trolls there." He nodded in agreement.

"Did you end up there a bit lost or something?"

"Or something."

Hearing that, she focused her full attention on King Trollex. "Did something happen?"

He frowned. "Queen Barb's world tour."

"Her world tour, isn't she supposed to go to your home if it's a world tour? How did you end up there on her world tour."

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