Chapter 1

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Working on rewriting the first 3/4s of this story, I'll be editing chapters and adding more details. Since my epilepsy is under control now I'll be able to write better and make things less rushed/confusing.

Cold, painfully cold, the snow boots she was wearing didn't help much to fight it. In the back of her mind, she can just hear her mother calling out, reminding her to wear her thick socks today. Of course, she ignored her like an idiot. The sun reflecting off the fresh snow was almost blinding.

"Are you sure about this?" Behind her, Star questioned this plan. They both knew playing with stuff like this was a stupid idea; it's ingrained in you from an early age. Don't play with this type of thing. Don't play with the occult shit, and yet here she was, a book in hand, trying to push away the warnings in her mind. "Ash, maybe Grandma Doreen has just gone crazy in her old age." Even though they aren't related by blood, being close from almost the beginning of their lives, they called each other's relatives the same. Except for the parents, the parents are aunt and uncle for the other. Grandma Doreen is Ash's blood great-grandmother.

The brunette fidgeted with the book, slowly flipping through the pages but not focusing on which page the supposed spell would be. "Remember when I told you my dad did something weird with me?" Ash questioned, a memory of her dad having some kind of pentagram on the bathroom floor with candles all around. Other than the pentagram, candles, and chips he had given her to eat to help keep her distracted while reading something, she couldn't remember the other details. His words had gone entirely over her head at five years old. Her mother hadn't been around to stop it since they had divorced the year before. Ash didn't know what excuse he had given her mother or if it was true. Either way, her mother was furious when Ash came home the next day and casually told her mom about the experience. "Nothing happened then, and Dad had actually been into witchcraft at the time, so-"She trailed off, not sure the point she was trying to make.

Star frowned as she pulled her winter jacket closer; she remembered, and just because Ash believed nothing happened didn't mean something hadn't happened. She was five at the time; of course, she wouldn't be able to remember unless it was something huge. "You don't know that for sure."

"You're right, I'm kind of scared," Ash admitted. "But you know, Grandma Doreen thinks your ancestor was somehow tied into it, too."

"Yet she couldn't tell me which one, grandparent, aunt, uncle, gender, nothing."

"Do you think maybe Grandma Doreen might've been just saying that to get us to do this then? It is weird that she didn't know anything about your supposed ancestor.

The more they spoke on the matter, the more Ash realized it truly was a stupid thing to try; why tempt it when it could lead to something dangerous. Though she was so curious, what if it really was something like Grandma Doreen had said?

"I wonder how this is even supposed to help us learn about our ancestorial family members." Grandma Doreeen knew how interested Ash was in history. Of course, she had to share that their family had a secret that her ancestorial grandmother Emma wanted to take to her grave. Yet here Ash is now, with the supposed book Emma had used many years ago for some reason with someone related to Star, supposedly. "Ugh, maybe we shouldn't do this." The voices warning her in the back of her head had started to become louder. Unluckily for her (or luckily?) Star began to ignore the voice in her own head and snatched the book.

"We got this. We're strong women; we can do this!" Why Star had suddenly done a one-eighty, Ash would never know. However, she did, and now she was standing determined with the book in hand. She thought about pointing out they're not exactly women yet. Ash being eighteen and Star seventeen, according to science their brains aren't even fully developed. "Let's go, Ash!"

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