Chapter 10

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A/N: Just a reminder that time is measured in "clicks" where one click = one second.


Hectoclick = 100 seconds

Kiloclick = 16 minutes, 40 seconds

Megaclick = 11.6 days

Gigaclick = 31.7 years

Teraclick = 31,700 years

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"How long until the lights go out?" Shigaraki asked, yawning.

"Shigaraki wants to know how long it is until the lights start to dim," Izuku said aloud, not directed at anyone in particular.

It was A'zawa who answered. "Probably about another two kiloclicks. He's tired, right? That's what that open-mouth thing means?"

Smiling, Izuku nodded. "Yeah. That's what it means. It's called a yawn. It brings more oxygen into the body to try to wake the person up. It doesn't really do all that much, but that's its intention." Turning to Shigaraki, Izuku said, "A'zawa asked about what your yawn was, so I explained that. He says it's going to be about two kiloclicks before the lights begin to dim."

"Kiloclicks?" Shigaraki asked, brow furrowed in disgusted confusion.

"Time is measured in various degrees of clicks," Izuku responded scholarly, much to Shigaraki's annoyance. "A click is a second, a hectoclick is a hundred seconds, a kiloclick is a thousand seconds–"

"Well, how long is a thousand seconds anyway?"

"About 17 minutes."

"Rounding down, it's going to be about half an hour until lights out?" Shigaraki clarified.

"Yes," Izuku confirmed.

"And you couldn't have just said that?"

"I'm trying to be a good translator here, remember?"

Shigaraki groaned, slamming his face into his hands.

"Is that harmful?" H'zashi asked, feathers puffing out with anxiety.

"Nothing to worry about," Izuku said. "H'zashi wanted to know if you hitting yourself in the face was harmful," he notified with a laugh.

"Oh, fuck," Shigaraki said, looking across the hall at Izuku's cellmate with alarm. "How many things have we done that they thought we were hurting ourselves?!"

"I really freaked H'zashi out when I was rubbing at my eyes the first night we were here when the lights started dimming for the first time. I don't even remember doing it, but H'zashi is adamant that I did. He said that he thought that I was destroying my eyes in distress to the lights changing, and was very worried because he was pretty sure that our eyes don't regenerate once destroyed."

Shigaraki snorted. "Well, he got that right." Shigaraki yawned again. "I'm going to my...what's it called? A grass-bed box?"

"Bed-grass box, is the translation."

"They should call it a Shigaraki box," Shigaraki said, snorting to himself as he crawled in and made himself comfortable, making Izuku confused. Maybe Shigaraki was really tired, so much so that he wasn't making sense.

"Why do you say that?" Izuku asked.

"We both decay stuff," Shigaraki answered, like Izuku should have already made the connection.

"What?" Izuku asked, thinking that Shigaraki is obviously delirious with how tired he must be or something.

"The aliens haven't told you?" Shigaraki asked. "Cat-Face showed me with a piece of meat. He put it in the bed-grass stuff, and it decayed it away, just like that. Except, unlike with my quirk, I think it only works with dead things. I think that's why he was so adamant that I take the dreto's wing out."

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