[8] You Can't Be This Cute

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[Your request to go out has finally received Vortigern's approval.]

[For safety considerations, you quickly began learning various self-defense under Morgan's guidance.]

[Theoretical knowledge and practical skills complement each other, and as shadow attribute magus of the same type, Morgan's adept use of shadow magecraft and exquisite skills have truly opened your eyes.]

[Due to the affinity of magecraft for darkness, you often choose to learn magecraft in the garden under the night sky. Morgan's careful guidance leaves no reservation for you.]

"Where there is light, there is also shadow. Where there is brightness, there is the birth of darkness."

"In the mysticism of magecraft, 'shadow' usually symbolizes adversity, secrecy, and the concept of sleep."

"Therefore, Alvin, our attributes are naturally suited for stealth, but the specific application depends on each person's understanding."

"Next, carefully remember each step of my spellcasting: Deeper than the night, more elusive than a light feather, radiance and flames are the dark side that accompanies you, silence and sleep are your eternal words, follow my incantation and let the gathered material flow."

"Shadow Curtain."

Bright blue lips slightly parted, uttering a flawless chant.

The ominous witch, shrouded in a black veil, strolled gracefully in the tranquil courtyard. The magic energy she released danced like butterflies weaving through a flower bed, and the shadows around her silently flowed and converged. The pristine moon in the high sky seemed dimmer compared to her chanting.

The silver-haired youth lifted his gaze, observing the British witch beneath this nocturnal curtain, enveloped in mystery.

Her shifting veil and hair seemed to intertwine night and snow.

Her bright blue eyes carried a subtle, almost imperceptible, smile.

Every inch of her voluptuous figure displayed exquisite curves, and the faintly moist skin beneath the deep black dress was like the moonlight adorning the night sky.

A cloudless night with sparkling stars, the most marvelous mystery and darkness converged within her grace and gaze.

Interwoven into a bewitching witch's visage, a beauty not seen in the bright daylight.

Unable to chase after the flames, she concealed herself in the shadows.

So, she always hid her face.

Only in Alvin's presence did Morgan Le Fay, the witch, remove her veil, revealing a beauty akin to radiant moonlight.

She blossomed within the shadows, much like a flower in the twilight.

Alvin had never seen a witch teach magecraft so alluringly.

Sensing Alvin's unwavering gaze, Morgan blushed beneath her sheer veil.

But now, teaching magecraft was a matter of life and death, and she couldn't afford to maintain distance from her disciple.

"Focus on feeling the flow of my magic, Alvin."

Under the scrutiny of the night and the moon, the witch held the young man's hand.

As their inspiration communicated and linked, the flow of magic throughout Morgan's body was displayed in front of Alvin without reservation.

The ether sang joyfully, shadows gathered, and the witch's soft incantation seemed like a melancholic melody.

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