Them getting clingy

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-it was early morning and you only just got up, drowsily making your way over to the kitchen to cook up some breakfast for your boyfriend

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-it was early morning and you only just got up, drowsily making your way over to the kitchen to cook up some breakfast for your boyfriend. you tried to stay as quiet as possible, since he still had plenty of time to sleep and an extremely tiring, scheduled afternoon ahead of him. the plan was to put together a tasty breakfast filled with love and bring it up to bed for him, to save him as much energy as possible for the rest of his day

-as you leapt from cabinet to cabinet to reach for ingredients, a pair of hands firmly made their way onto both sides of your waist, keenly pulling you into the warmth of a clearly very clingy chan, who was now pressing fluttering kisses into the back of your neck

''baby, hey, did I wake you up?'' you hummed, tilting your head back to rest it against his chest for a moment before getting back to cutting some fruits and vegetables, ''were you not sleeping when I got up?''

''sleep? what is that? I only know [name] and having my arms around her'' he mumbled, clearly still half asleep himself with his cheesy jokes

''you're still sleepy!'' you giggled, putting down your utensils to rotate yourself around to face chan whilst he still kept his arms longingly around you, ''go lay down whilst you can still fall asleep, I need a little bit more time to finish breakfast for you, love''

''no, I'll stay here and watch my beautiful girlfriend cook, it's so satisfying'' he mumbled, spinning you back around by turning your waist and resting his chin on your head. he paused for a moment, before proceeding to inhale the top of your head as if it was some sort of astonishing fragrance, ''new shampoo? your head smells heavenly''

''that tickles'' you whined, lowering your head to make your hair fall over your ears, attempting to cover the red hue they were turning after hearing his attentive comment on your new shampoo. it's the most attractive thing ever that he notices all the little details, it makes you fumble for him all over again every time he mentions something like that

-you bounced around the kitchen, a pair of hands on your waist following your every footstep and refusing to let go for even a second

''I don't want to go to work today'' he mumbled into the crook of your neck, once again synchronising his steps with yours so he could follow you everywhere, ''not when I can stay here with you''

''don't act like a big baby'' you giggled, reaching your hand over to the back of your head to feed chan some of the fresh fruit you just chopped up, ''when you come back, I'll give you any of the affection you want''

-it went quiet for a moment before you heard a snicker from behind your ear


''chan!'' you whined, instantly turning around to give him a flustered slap on the arm

-when the time came for him to go to work, he walked out of the door backwards so that he was still facing you with those big eyes and that tempting pout that just made you want to pull him back inside and cuddle him to death

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