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Today is Halloween my favorite holiday and yet I'm hating it. All because of Noah. A week ago he called me saying he needed help. Help to raise Sasha's baby! He said if if I didn't do this he would ignore me. Ugh I really miss him. Why did I ever breakup with him? A question that will never be answered. So that's why I'm hating Halloween. I still but on my cookie monster costume just for fun. Jasmyne was going as Elmo and my sisters as Oscar and big bird. I went downstairs and saw my mommy cooking breakfast.

"Good morning baby why, don't you look cute."my mom said.

"Thanks mom I'm going to Jasmyne's Halloween party so don't expect me to come early."I said putting my toast in the toaster.

"Well don't come back to late or you're never going to a party again"said my mom in a stern voice.

"Fine mom bye love you"I said once the toast pop out.

Right when I got outside I saw him. The guy I love yet hate. Noah was there waiting for me.

"Hey can we talk about the baby?"asked Noah trying to make things less awkward.

"What do we need to talk about? That you got Sasha pregnant and you want me to be a mommy."I said and started walking.

"You know I choose you for a reason Delanie"his voice getting me every time.

"Do you still love me?" I asked.

"I don't know I'm confused and so are you so right know the baby."he said getting back to the subject.

"Is it a boy or a girl?"I asked. I really wanted it to be a boy. I would name him Ethan Ray.

"I don't know yet. All I know is that I want a girl. Here everyone calling Nicki Bailey."he said so proud.

"How would we be taking care of it if we live far from each other?"I asked

"OK I bought a house with my life savings and my mom helped"he said smiling.

"So you expect me to go live with my "friend" and take care of their kid"I said. This dude has some crazy ideas.

"Yeah basically, so um you look nice today"he said focusing on me now. I love how he looks at me. Love in his eyes. Makes me fall in love again.

"Thank you Ethan Bay your normal guy costume is sexy um hot no um OK"I said. Why did I say that? I'm so stupid.

"Wait how do you know my name is Ethan Bay"he stoped before going into the building."Who told you?"

"I guess we both have secrets" I said and ran inside. I went to my locker and say Sasha. Her bunny outfit gave me the creeps.

"Hey you! Why are trying to steal my baby just because you jealous of me and Noah's trophy."she whisper yelled. She called that baby a trophy! The nereve of some people.

"Look Sasha it's not my fault you don't want that baby and I take care of it"I was so mad.

"Well um um fine stupid that's all I can tell you stupid."she said then left.

I walked to math. Pop quiz of course but all I could think of was Jasmyne's Halloween party.

"Hey someone is looking shmexy today"I said scaring Jasmyne half to death.

"Dude don't do that!"she screamed.

"Hey so when does the party start?"I said while jumping into her car.

"In two hours so are you gonna help me or what"she said driving to the grocery store."Get anything but don't go over $200."

"OK meet you when I'm done"I said and she handed me $200. First I went to the drinks section. I got some punch,Mountain dew,Dr.Pepper,and Pepsi. Oh and I almost forgot the waters. Then I went to get oreos,chips, doritos,chocolate,and some candy. After a hour I was done and called Jasmyne.

"Hey how much did you spend?"asked Jasmyne.

"Only $125 and I'm ready to party"I said

When we got to her house we ordered pizza,set all the drinks in the cooler,and set the snacks out. People were coming fast. Then a guy walked in. He was hot. He walked up to me.

"Hey my name is Carlos"

Hey that's the end of Halloween there might be a part 2 so check for a new update. Thanks for ready tell your friends about this story. Vote and comment

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