May and June

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(To get in the mood of my story listen to the YouTube video)

        Today is Christmas Eve. There is no more May and no more June. The house has been quiet. They were always the loud ones. I lost my only sister but gained one. Well she isn't my sister, but Roanne. May and June were only 13 years old when they died. Full of life and energy, they were perfect.

"Good morning mommy"I said as she came walking down the stairs. She ignored me.
"Good morning"I repeated. Again she ignored me. "Just because May and June are dead doesn't mean you have to ignore me!"I yelled. She turned around she was crying.

"I know who the father of the baby is Delanie " she said quietly.

"Who mommy?"I asked

"It was Steven,"she started crying harder.

"Steven as in Chris's best friend Steven"I said surprised.

"That's the one. He told me yesterday," she kept crying.

"How did she hide that though from us her family?"I thought out loud.

"I don't know, I'm an awful parent"she cried harder. I went up and hug her but she pushed me away. I started to cry.

"I don't deserve any love Delanie. Just go and take Roanne with you!"my mom said.

"If that's what you want!"I yelled. I woke up Roanne from her nap and went off to the new house.

"Mama,mama,mama"Roanne cried.

"She is coming soon don't worry baby"I said crying also. When we arrived to the house it was unlocked. Noah was in there sitting all alone.

"Why are you in here and alone" I said wiping away my tears.

"I can't tell you at least not yet" Noah said looking down.

"You can tell me anything Noah"I told him

"I just can't right now"he replied

"Please I just wanna..."he interrupted.

"No Delanie leave me alone"he said full of anger.

"Fine if that's what you really want"I grabbed Roanne and went upstairs. I went into my room. I had very little stuff for Roanne which means I will have to get clothes from someone. But who? Then I remembered the father. Steven, I had to call him. He is probably looking for Roanne.
I called him once,then twice, and then three times. He then answered the fourth one.

Phone Call

Come get your child Steven

Where are you

I'm at Noah's place

Okay I'll be right there


Oh and Delanie

Yeah Steven

I'm sorry for what I did to your sister

You killed them

No I mean get May you know

I know Steven

Sorry for you lost Delanie

You too Steven
Phone call ended

I hung up. He said sorry. I don't hate him but what he did isn't right. I got a text five minutes later that he was here. I brought Roanne downstairs gave her a kiss and sent her off with her father. I went upstairs sat by my window and looked outside. It was starting to rain. I curled up in my blanket and started listening to my playlist. Slowly I started falling asleep. The last thing I remember is listening to So Sick by Ne-Yo.
I woke up five hours later. It was three in the afternoon. I had seven miss calls from my mom. I didn't call back. I sat there all alone thinking about life and love. I am only 17 and I'm going through this. Life is not fair, never had and never will be. The show must go on though. Then there was a knock on my door.

"Can I come in?"it was Noah

"Why do you want to come in?"I asked.

" I need to talk about earlier, please let me come in."he begged.

"I guess"he walked in "What do you need?"

"I'm sorry I lashed out on you what you are going through is worse then what I am going through."

"What's up with you?"I asked him worried.

"My biological parents want to meet me. They also want me to move to England with them." Noah said.

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know I'll have to think about it"he said not looking at me

"Okay I understand"I told him

"Are you hungry,I made lunch?"he asked.

"I was planning to go to sleep"I replied

"Again?"he asked

"Again"I giggled. That was the first smile I had had these past two days. You can always count on Noah to be the sun when it's raining outside. Well good night because I don't think I'm going to wake up.

Thanks for waiting and reading another chapter of my story. Sorry for a long wait. I will try to update at least once a week. I hope you have a awesome day. Before I end this go read Lexanna85 new book it's great. Share this book with your friends. Peace ✌🏽️✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

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