Morning Sun

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For a moment you feel everything at once, then peace, total serenity.
   I felt the sun on my skin, I seemed to absorb the warmth like a reptile; I loved waking up to the feeling, the curtains ajar, enough for the rays to trickle into my room and paint the walls golden. The buzz of the cicadas through the window, along with the smell of fresh cut grass and summer. This is peace, a brief moment where nothing matters, no worries, just the sun and I. Though my body is still tired, I arise to open the curtains, then I see it, the sun shining down on me. I am like the moon, in the way we both require sunlight for us to shine. My eyes burn from the contact, but I am filled with joy.
   Soon the memories start pouring in, fond ones though they make me sad, somehow still appreciative of the experiences I had. Nostalgia; for I can't seem to escape the emotion, it follows me around like some sort of ghost, which I suppose it must be, the ghost of a past to which I cannot return. I would cut my life short if it meant reliving these moments, but I can't get too greedy can I?
I stared out the window, loosing track of time, my mind tends to wander, I am a daydreamer. The feeling of the sun takes me back, places I don't even remember. Memories locked away, searching for the key: the sun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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