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Something about the room was still bothering her. It wasnt just the eerie creaking of the school gates, nor the soft footsteps of people(.....?), no, it was something more. Something different, something old. Oh, but what was it?

Sinophix couldnt help it anymore. Things just kinda got waaaaay too intense for her in the dark dorm she stayed in, hearing the crickets chirping(do crickets chirp?) and her heart beating too fast and the sound of her heavy breathing. Even worse, the burning temperature of her body. She couldnt stand this creepy, horror-movie setting of her room- she needed some fresh air.

She leaped out of bed, and changed into a more cooling set of clothing. Thats much better, she sighed in relief. Her pulse had slowed down to a calm thump, thump, and she decided to go out for a walk.

After putting on some slippers, Sinophix exited the dorm and tiptoed out to the silent staircase that led to her Petal's common room. Climbing down the swirling staircase, she finally left the Flowerden-cursed goddamn dorms. The common room was cozy- with a warm, crackling fire and comfy sofas. But now wasnt the time to enjoy a nice hot cocoa by the fireplace- though it did sound enjoyable.

Besides, Sinophix did want to see the beautiful starry night they all whispered about. Perhaps after that, then she could lay down on the soft sofas, and even read a book.

Although it was late at night, Sinophix
still had enough energy to run an entire mile- she wasnt tired at all. She was also glad that since it was so late, there  wasnt any crowds to smoosh her into some kind of pancake, or to make her hyperventilate - she was claustrophobic, you see.

Sinophix started to jog. She heard them say the view of the sky was most beautiful up on the Astronomy Tower. So thats where she went. And she jogged and
                                                    and jogged until she finally reached.....

Honestly, Sinophix was about to cry at this point. She had jogged for about 10 minutes, and now she had to CLIMB STAIRS!? Come on, whats wrong with this school? But she just sighed and began to
                            and climb -

and all that work was worth it. She muttered a "Woah," and stared at the humongous sky that seemed to defy its very existence. She let it cradle her mind and calm her down, and she wanted to stay there forever because it was so peaceful there, so quiet- she felt like she could do anything with this beautiful sight. And even with the freezing wind slashing at her cheeks, the  low temperature of her surroundings, heck, the way she was about to topple over the tower- she loved it. She truly did- But then something broke her little own blanket of happiness. "Who's there!?"

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