Daily run (Chapter 4)

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(Courtney's POV)

Thank you voice in my head, it sound just like my mother's voice, I miss her. 

'We will always be by your side'

Okay back to this scene, what do I choose? Do I stay on the roof top and take my chance with a flying country and run on the life or death unbalence roof, or I do find my way down and take my chance with the two slow countries and and a bigger place to run and hide. I mean I am bored walking on the roof sooo I am going to get down. I looked over the side to see its not a high fall and the other countries are far behind and to distracted on talking. I can't jump down if Bird boy is watching me, I need to distract him.

"Hey Brid Boy, look at this!" I yelled while shining my flashlight from my phone into his eye.

"Schau dir was an – Ugh!" (Look at wha-Ugh!) Prussia was rubbing his eyes, while I took this chance to excape.

I jumped of the roof and landing on a pile of soft wheat which caught the attention of Ottoman and Bulgaria. They started to chase after me again and I started run again, good thing I restored my stamina and took a break now I can run till morning. The streets were quite and everyone was sleeping soundly, the only noise I can hear are my foots steps and the sound of the cold breeze and ofcoure the shouting of the countries. Why are they soo loud and how can the cilivians sleep through all this commotion, they are probably used to this every night, I feel kinda bad. I kept running throught the night, it feels like a midnight jog but I am running. I heard my stomach started to grumble telling me it need some food, While running and keeping an eye on the path I unziped my backpack and pulled out two stick of honey (I can't control myself alright). I chewed on one of them and the other one is in my grip as I ran, I had been runing for about 40 minutes and finally the sun woke up. I had been running around this city for so long heck, I don't even know which city I am even in. Must be Germany.

The sun is up now and people are starting to wake up and do their daily tasks. Their head turned toward me when I ran past them with three countries on my tail. Ottoman started to get tired and he started to slow down while Bulgaria kept his pace. As for Prussia he is in the sky watching me like a hawk, what kind of bird is he? 

(??? POV)

"Also ist dieses menschliche Wesen immer noch nicht gefangen? Wie?" (So this human creature whater is still not caught? how?) I was raging, how can a little thing that is smaller than us and weaker can not be caught. Austria told be about it yesterday night, he told me that Bulagria and Ottoman was chasing it on a roof. I told him to send my father since he can help during that night.

"Ich weiß nicht, m-mein Kaiser." (I don't know, m-my emperor) Said one of my gaurds. 

Thats it I am going out there and help them. I have lost my paitence, when I get my hand on the small creature I am going to make sure they fear the all the countries and torture them to death. 

Only Death can save you now, Mein liebe (My dear)


(Austria-Hunagry's POV)

They had been runing all night and still not tired, is is a demon that were are trying to catch? Did we anger it? Is it going to destory the world? I started to panic, thinking of the worst. I walked down the streets in search of the demon and I stumble upon Ottoman. He seems tired from running, his eyes opened when I was only a few feet away from him.

"Schon müde?" (Tired already?) I asked

"Kapa çeneni, 5 saat aralıksız koşmayı dene. Sen uyurken ben koşuyordum." (Shut up, try running for 5 hours striaght, while you were sleeping I was running.) He shouted.

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