Action #1

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Lights, cameras...... Action

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Chapter One Scene

Beep, beep, beep

*Wakes ups slams the alarm clock but misses.*

Courtney: Effin HELL, UGH IT HURTS.

Everyone in the room rerupted with laughter. Erick was dying behind the stage and Bulgaria was trying to help clam him down.

Crewmemeber: Should we keep this part?

Aurthor: Of course, keep it it's halrouise 'hahahah'


Chapter two Scene

Courtney: Um sir Austrian-Hungary weird question do you know what year it is?

A-H (Austrian-Hungary) : Its the year 1875, I-"

Courtney: DAMN you are that old? You could be like somebodys great x 10 grandfather now.

A-H: -_-

The room was filled with laughter, Erick was running away from Britain because he knocked his tea out. Aurthor was having their best time of their life watching Britian chasing Erick around R.E.

A-H: I will strangle you to death my child.

Courtney: *Gulps*  

Chapter Three scene

Courtney: Why are you yelling, You know that I can hear you perfectly fine right?

Bulgaria: Why are you yelling at us, we were yelling at you because you were yelling at us.

Courtney: Because you guys don't have ears 'mubbleing'


Courtney: Wait so you guys do have ears?!

The Crewmemebrs couldn't hold in the laughter.

Chapter Four scene

Courtney: How much for the hat?

German shop owner: (random number) erours

Courtney: Thats is how much your mom could sell you on the internet. 

German Shop owner: You Son Of A- *Raises a belt*

-Technical difficulty-

(2o min later)

Aurthor: Where is Courtney? We have to refilm the third scene.

Crewmember: Ask the person acting as the shop owner he knows what happen.


Chapter Five scene 

*Gets kicked under the belt, hard*  

Ottoman: Ugh, Kahretsin

Prussia: Language Otto

Ottoman: You try to hold in the pain of gettting kicked in the balls. *fell on the floor*

G.E: Damn, Uhhhh what do we do now?

Erick gave Courtney a highfive, they walked toward the lounghing room. 

Ottoman: I am going to kill her

Stuck in HISTORY | Book 1| ❤(Countryhumans )❤Where stories live. Discover now