Hogwarts Express

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Percy's Pov

Wow. I didn't know I can run through a wall and get to platform 9 and three quarters. Trust me, I survived Tartarus, I can control water and make hurricanes, but this is weird. 

"Come on Seaweed Brain! The train is leaving in 5 minutes!" Annabeth snapped. "Oh, sorry!" I reply, I just can't get over how cool this is. Leo, Hazel, Frank, Piper, Jason, Nico, Will, Thalia, Calypso, Reyna, Annabeth and I get on the train. "I'm not sure if we can all fit in one compartment" said Piper. "Then we'll spit up!" answered Leo. "Boys in one compartment, girls in another" I suggested. "Good idea, kelp face" said Thalia. Leo, Jason, Will, Nico, Frank and I find an empty compartment. 

The train is moving. "I'm booorrrred" said Will. "How about we play truth or dare?" suggests Leo. "I'm in" I said. Everyone agreed. "Percy, truth or dare?" asked Leo while smirking. "Truth" I don't want to risk having to do something embarrassing. "Do you have a crush on Annabeth?" said Leo. I make a sour face. "Maybe" I said "Jason, truth or dare?". "Dare" answered Jason. "I dare you to flirt with the trolley lady when she comes" I say. "Dang it Percy! Fine" said Jason. The trolley lady came. "Would you like anything from the trolley?" asked the Trolley Lady. "Oh, madam, you have beautiful locks, you're as pretty as a model, why are you just serving candy in a train?" said Jason. Leo, Nico, Frank, Will and I were rolling on the floor laughing. The trolley lady left. 

Annabeth's Pov

The girls and I found an empty compartment and we sat down. "So, what wand do you have?" asked Piper. "I have a Beech wood, phoenix feather core, 12 inches, and flexible" I replied. "Chestnut wood, unicorn hair core, 11 inches and flexible" said Calypso. "Ash wood, unicorn hair core, 13 -15 inches, and swishy flexible" said Piper. "I can't remember" said Hazel. "Me neither" said Thalia. "I think Acacia wood, dragon heartstring core, 8 -11 inches, and briskly flexible?" said Reyna. "Cool" said Piper. The compartment door slides open. A bushy haired girl with buckteeth says "Hello, my name is Hermione Granger, a boy named Neville lost his toad, have you seen it". "Hello Hermione, my name is Annabeth and I have not seen a lost toad, sorry" I say to Hermione. "Did you practice any spells?" asked Hermione. "No, we haven't" said Calypso. "Well I did" said Hermione "Also, you should get your robes on, we'll arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes" she left. "What a know it all..." said Thalia. We all change into our robes

We get off the train and meet up with the boys. "Jason flirted with the trolley lady!" chanted the boys. "Wait what?!" said Thalia "My brother flirted with the trolley lady?". "First Yers over here!" yelled Hagrid. We walked over to the half giant Hagrid. The twelve of us went on a boat and we sailed to Hogwarts. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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