CH. 4

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All the members of BTS know that Yn is sad for some reason. That's why they took a day off from all their work so that they could spend some time with her and brighten Yn's mood.

In the living room

No one was there they both went and sat on the couch.

Namjoon: So

Yn: What?

Namjoon and yn : So whatttt~~~
They begin to sing so what song

Yn : Hahaha that was fun.

Namjoon: Yeah that's true, by the way, did you think in which competition you are going to participate?

Yn: Can't I just skip this?

Jin: No princess you have to participate. We want you to participate and win the competition.

Jin comes from his and behind him, the rest of the members also join. They all sat on the couch.

Yn: Ahhh ok, I will think about it later.

Suga: Take your time sugarplum but we all want you to participate in the competition and win the competition. And if you are having difficulty in any competition then tell us we would like to help you out.

Yn: Aww you are so sweet. Don't worry I will think about it. But I will not tell you in which competition I will participate.

Jhope: But why?

Jimin: Don't worry hyung we will get to know you eventually, haha Don't forget we are your professors also baby girl.

Yn: I know you will get to know but I will not tell you at the house you will get to know in the college itself

V: Why? We want to know. (Pout)

Yn: You also didn't tell me about the youth festival did you? So why would I tell you

JK: Ok ok Don't tell us. But you have to participate.

Yn: Yeah yeah I will Don't worry.

Jin: Ok put that aside and let's have some fun what's say?

Yn: Ye, but what we will do?

Jk: Let's play a game.

Jhope: Which game?

Suga: Don't include me. I just want to sleep

Yn: Yeah Don't be grumpy please play with us it fun and also it's been a while since we spent time like this.

Namjoon: Yes she is right. Please hyung play with us.

Suga: Ok okIi will.

V: Yeah but what we will play?

Yn: Umm, let's play truth and dare.

Jimin: Nah it's a common game we play that every time

Yn: Ok so let me think.

Jin: You guys decide till then I will bring some snacks.

Jhope: I will help you.

Jin: Ok come.

Jin and Jhope went into the kitchen to bring some snacks and cold drinks for everyone. After a while, you jump making all of them flinch a little.

V: Yn-ha what happen? (Ask curiously)

Yn: I know what will we play.

Namjoon: What is it?

Yn: Let's wait for Jinnie and Hobi after I will tell you

After 2 or 3 minutes later they both come with snacks and cold drinks.

Jin: Did you decide what we will play?

Yn: Yes first sit after I will tell you

Jhope : (Sitting in his place) Now tell us

Yn: So in this game, I will spin the bottle, in front of whom bottle stops he/she shehostell jokes others laugh or you can flirt with any other person making them blush with his/her lines. If you fail to do this then you will get punishment.

Jimin: What type of punishment are there (flirting)

Yn: Hey, don't think like that (blushing)

Jimin: What? I just ask about which type of punishment is there.

Yn: You will get to know (rolling her eyes)

Jimin: Don't roll your eyes at me baby girl or it won't end well. (sarcasm)

Yn: I will do what will you do (duh tone)

Jimin : Are you challenging me ?(rise his eyebrow)

Jin: Yeah you both stop now I will beat you both with my pink slippers.

Jimin: Ok ok okay play (excitedly)

Jk v: Yehh

Namjoon: I will spin the bottle.

He spins the bottle and it rests on JK.

JK: Ok so answer this one.

V: Hey we are not playing a questioning game

JK: I know.

V: Then why are you asking questions?

Jk: First let me finish it.

V: Ok continue

Jk: Ok so answer this, Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants?

Namjoon: I don't know, why?

Jk: In case he got a hole-in-one!

Others: Hahaha that was hilarious.

JK:  Ok let me spine.

He spins the bottle and it lands on his others starting to cheer him up with his name

Others: Jhope jhope jhope

Jhope: Ok listen to this, YN, are you a camera?

YN: Um, no. Why?

Jhope: Because every time I look at you, I smile.

Yn smiles happily.

Suga: That was true though.

Yn : (Blushing) Ok ok now spine the bottle.

Jhope spine the bottle and it landed on Yn

Yn: Umm, "Every love song I hear reminds me of you because you're the melody to my heart's symphony."

Others: Aw, that was great

Yn: I know I am great (flipping her hair)

Suga: You know you should stop spending time with Jin Hyung.

Jin: Yeah you brat what did you just say?

Jk: Hyung don't start please let's just play.

Jin: Huff spine the bottle.

Yn spine the bottle it stops in front v

Jk : Yah taehyung hyung please say best joke.

V: Ok ok, Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?

Jimin: Why?

V: Because it was two-tired!

Yn jk : (Rolling on the ground) That was also funny.

Seeing you smiling others also smile and think: always smile like this now.  we don't know for which reason you were sad but we will promise that we always protect you and keep you happy. Also for whatever reason you were sad, we will find out soon and if the reason is some to be some person or persons we will not see a little bit of mercy on them.

After some time Yn and Jk recover from their laughing session.

And they continue their game.


Thank you 😊

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