Chapter 1^^

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Chapter 1^^

"Did you see the fight yesterday?
It was pretty bad"
my best friend Lily asked me while I was putting books into my locker

I sighed "yup, I saw it. Although I don't understand why is it so exciting. It's just stupid boys fighting because they have nothing better to do" I said honestly...

Lily crossed her arms and shrugged
"I guess so but Adam is so hot" she beamed.

I rolled my eyes from annoyance. She always does that..
"Lily, not again. Adam is an asshole. Get that into brain of yours"

I closed my locker and kept walking towards the exit. I can not wait to get home and relax on my couch with a game of thrones marathon. I just love that show. Tyrion Lannister all the way!!

Lily ran to catch up with me and pursed her lips."I know that, but I can at least look at him,right? she winked at me

I laughed "Lily you are hopeless"
We walked to my car, my baby. I have an old timer. Classic and beautiful.

I just remembered that guy from yesterday and decided to ask Lily about him. She probably knows him
"Hey Lily, you know that guy that beat up Adam yesterday?" I asked while looking embarrased.

Her eyes widened and she smirked "oh my god,does my little Ann has a crush? She tried to squeeze my cheeks but I moved her hands while blushing

"No, I don't have a crush. I'm just curious" I really am. I don't even know a guy.
She looked at me suspiciously but still answered "Oh well, he's Brody Carson. He's the bad boy of our school. He never talks. He's so weird"

I wanted to protest but decided against it. If I were to defend him she would tease me again. I'd rather not have that.

"Okaay,thank you love but now I have to go. My love Tyrion's waiting for me". I winked.
She just looked at me with disgust and I laughed.  She thinks Tyrion's old and ugly but I disagree. He's my baby.

"Can you give me a ride?" She innocently asked me. Innocent my ass.

I raised my eyebrow "Again? Where the hell is Alexei?"

Alexei is her older brother. Oh where are my manners I haven't introduced myself. My name's Annabell Woods and this chick right here is my best friend Lily Black. We are both sixteen and juniors. And her brother Alexei
is nineteen and lazy hag who parties everyday.

She laughed "Oh you know him, probably sleeping in someone's backyard" 
I pretended to think and she hit me on the head and I groaned "Okay, enough with the violence" i rubbed my head and glared at her.

She just opened the front door and jumped in the car. I sighed and got into the car, turned him on and went to Lily's house. We rode only for 10 minutes because she doesn't live far from school. I stopped in front of her house, she came out,looked at me and asked me if I wanna come inside. I nodded and headed for her.

As soon as we opened the door Lily's dog jumped on us, especially on me and wanted to lick me. Lily laughed. yuck I hate dogs. And this little one is a monster, a cute one but still a monster.

Lily has gone to her room and told me to get comfortable and feel like at home. I can do that
I went to take a glass of water in the kitchen and felt someone breathing over my neck and the deep voice saying

"Beautiful I've missed you".
He started kissing my neck, gently and slowly.
"Alexei we can't, your sister is here somewhere, she will see us".

He groaned "But I want you baby"

Smiling I said "Be a good boy, and maybe you will get me one day"
I winked.

he sighed "You're such a tease, but I will have you, one way or another,I always get what I want" he smirked and left.

Oh did I forgot to mention that Alexei and I hooked up, and now he won't leave me alone
It was a month ago, at a party. I was bored and I went into the garden to breathe fresh air. I sat down on the grass when suddenly he appeared, looked at me with a strange emotion in his eyes and in that moment I felt his lips on mine.
I have to admit that he's a good kisser. we kissed for hours, at least it seemed so. Probably not even 5 minutes passed by but I really enjoyed it.

Another day dawned and I thought he would forget about it and everything will be as before, that's what I wanted. I did not want a relationship with him as much as I thought he was attractive. But he obviously wanted something.
All day I received messages and calls from him. Of course I did not answer him, but whenever we saw each other we would end up together.

Incredibly, isn't it? I shook my head and yelled so that Lily can hear me "I'm going home,my head hurts,see you tomorrow at school".

I went out, started the car and in an instant I was home. At home I greeted by my beautiful mother who is so strong that she could take care of me after my ungrateful father left. I hope I will never ever have to see him. She kissed me on the head as I stared at the couch to look at The Game Of Thrones.

Strangely enough television was already running, I looked at my mom and raised an eyebrow. she laughed and messed up my hair with her hands.

"Don't think I don't know why you come home every day, just because of this show and my food"
I pretended that I was hurt "How can you say that, it's because the bed also of course, where else would I sleep?".
she glared at me "Don't make me throw you out, young lady".

I smiled "You love me too much to do that" her eyes softened and she went to kitchen.

I watched a show for a few hours, when I looked at the clock and saw that it was already past midnight.
I'd better go to sleep because if not tomorrow I will be tired and cranky and that's not good for others in my environment.
I turned off the TV and tucked myself in my cozy bed and very soon fell asleep...

You make loving fun^^Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang