Chapter 18

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Author's pov


This was the only word ,the night's dinner can be explained

At least for perth,chimon and Kylie

After chimon had covered his marks ,he came back as if nothing happened

Perth glanced at him from time to time but got nothing in response and on the other side Kylie has been teasing him from time to time being a pain in the ass

On chimon's side

He can tell perth has been giving him looks ,but he is too shy to look at him and after knowing an unavoidable truth about himself

Him blushing thinking about perth

He happen to think about him

These things were far away from being enemies

He wonders how perth sees him now that they had shared heated moments

Especially a few minutes ago

As chimon was silently eating,perth couldn't help but worry about him

Kylie nudged him from beside and said

Kylie :He might melt from the looks of yours !perth act like he didn't hear it

Suddenly perth's mom started talking

Perth's mom:Since Kylie is here and your semester break is approaching why don't you guys go somewhere like a beach ?said suggestively to which chimon's mom nodded her head

Chimon slowly started playing with his food ,he didn't know to whom it meant

Perth's mom continued

Perth's mom:Chimon ,Ryuan ,perth and  Kylie could go on the trip !Around 3to 5 days I mean they have a whole month ,they can spend a week together only kids !They can be free !said with a wide smile

Even though what she said about being free with only people around their age

Three people groaned at the idea

Perth because it's would be a hell trip since his crush and himself would be alone and the pain in the ass (Kylie ) would follow and tease them

Chimon because he was jealous about perth and Kylie being together

Finally Kylie , because she had to witness two people who were in love with each other but dumb enough to not confess to each other but have some heated make outs

She can imagine herself  getting turned from the flames came from the jealousy of chimon's eyes

Kylie leaned forward towards perth and whispered

Kylie :I am praying for myself to not be killed by your boyfriend by the end of the trip !Pray for me too!

To which perth replied with a small ,he is not my boyfriend,then he liked at chimon who balanced his head with a hand on the table and leaned forward to take something

Ryuan seem pretty chill about the trip ,his holidays also started

Perth opened his mouth to talk about something but chimon cut his sentence and said

Chimon:I think it is a good idea ,I think we would enjoy the trip !What do you guys say ??asked enthusiastically

Ryuan nodded his head ,Kylie shrugged her shoulders while perth tried talking

Perth:Well,only when everyone was ok with it !!said yes looking into chimon's eyes

Ryuan :Are you guys supposed to be enemies ?I think this was the first time you agreed on something without any mess !Said laughing

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