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I can't believe I told her. What does that mean, they can't possibly kill me can they? All these thoughts came rushing to my head as I sped down 57th Avenue, Nikki's road. I kept on thinking I couldn't cry but as I said that for the 6th time I just started sobbing. Mascara already running down my cheeks I turned a sharp left and almost crashed into another car. I quickly drove towards the gas station.

"Darling are you alright? Where is your mother?" Great. Just what I need, one more onlooker to add to the list. I replied in a soft, squeaky voice saying I was fine and that my boyfriend broke up with me. The woman, probably in her late forties just looked at me with a worried expression and tried to comfort me. I tried to say no but she said she would have none of that. She looked odd; she was wearing a maxi dress and yellow tap heels.

She took me to the shop at the gas station and tried to buy me things like chocolates and burgers, but nothing could get my mind off the fact that I might die in 48 hours. "Are you sure there's nothing else bothering you dear?" the woman asked. I told her and myself that nothing else is bothering me and I'm fine. She looked at me with a saddening face but what I noticed was not the fact that people were staring and pointing or what she was wearing. No, I noticed that her eyes were gleaming with a spiteful joy in her eyes.

I backed away from her as if she was a demon, which she probably was. Crap. She was supposed to be there, she was supposed to follow me. Didn't she come out of her car at the same time I did? She looked at me with a confused expression, but she evidently moved closer towards me. Then I saw it. The blade glimmering in the light of the sun from the window. Quite frankly, she saw me swivel my eyes from her face to her bag and she edged closer to me. I slowly backed out from the shop and ran. She ran after me with the blade now in her hand, and she looked as if she was a villain straight from a comic book.

I ran towards my car and quickly unlocked it and got in. I started the engine. By the time I put the gear into drive, she reached my window and stabbed it. Glass shattered into my lap and onto the floor. I screamed thinking if I drew more attention onlookers will come and help me. I put my foot on the accelerator and drove. I drove like a maniac, not wanting her to catch up with me. I took a swerve and crashed the car. My head hit the steering wheel and I was bleeding from my nose. She got out of her car and came up to my broken window. I screamed again, but I had to be my own savior, and with that kind of motivation I got up, only for my head to droop again. Damn it! She had drugged me and with that, I fell numb. I saw her open my door and drag me onto the street. There I saw people now looking at me and start screaming. I tried to speak but words failed me for what came next.

She had pulled out something that had changed me from the very first day I had joined the 'community'. A metal pipe that was still raw from burning someone. I watched as she approached me and started hitting me. But I felt numb, she probably thought she could hit me and hurt me. She came around to my head and whispered in what we called a secret language, some sort of code. Though, I didn't hear what she said for I heard cars screeching and sirens. She swiftly lifted the pipe up and struck me on my head. I felt it this time, because I screamed in agony and people tried to pull her away from me, but as I saw a group of men surround her, everything went black and then........ silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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