Mr. Player

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Mr. Player

Author: Obey_Janoskian

Views: 4.16M

Votes: 74.9K

Comments: 16.8K

Alex, is the definition of a Good Girl. She gets the good grades to fit her title and she's never once stepped out of line. Luke, is the definition of a Bad Boy. He has the looks to fit his title. He plays the girls hearts as though he was on a football field to fit his label. And he is route cause of any trouble. You'd think that these two opposites would never associate themselves with each other and no one expected this to happen but in Health Class they are allocated to be partners. Will she end up doing all the work by herself? Or will she spend all her time with him and have a little bit of the Bad Boy rub off on her?


Category: Fan Fiction, thank you elisetomlinson1234 for pointing this out! (:

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