2B is a YoRHa Unit that stands out for her slim yet full-figured and callipygous physique, as well as for her graceful movements. She wears somewhat revealing attire, which allows her to move freely in combat. Recently, she and her partner, 9S, comp...
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Age: 5000(Built since the 7th Machine War)
Hair: None
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Eye Color: Gray
Android Model Type: Defender(Formerly a "Lover" Model)
Predatory Target: YoRHa No. 2 Type B
Note: Has the synthetic body of a 290-lb 26-year-old bald Otaku, and although he has highly sought-out leadership qualities, Futoku is the laziest, cruelest, depraved, and malicious Android in all of the resistance to the point that even Jackass herself wouldn't dare to even look at or hear of him.