Playing With Fire

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"So, this is how it's going to work," I pull a chair and sit across him in the living room. He raises an eyebrow but doesn't speak. "You cannot, under any circumstances, leave my house, okay? There's a bathroom, new clothes. It will be like...camping."

"Okay, clearly you've never gone camping before," he chuckles.

I ignore him and go on. "This tag right here is a tracker. It transmits your location to people back at the station, and there will always be people watching where you are, so don't assume anything. If you try to take it off, it will electrocute you. I'd love to see how that will go, actually."

"Wait, let me look for where I asked for your opinion," he pretends to search for something in his pants' pockets, then raises his hand towards me and gives me the middle finger. "Oh, yeah. That's where I asked for your opinion!"

"Okay, it seems you're not in the mood." I stand up and head to my bedroom. This will definitely be way more difficult that I had imagined.

"Where are you going?" I hear him call and roll my eyes. 

Is he really a member of the gang? That immature and lousy pathetic creature? I doubt he could ever become one. After a few seconds, I return to the living room with a blanket and a pillow in my hands, and the moment he sees what I'm carrying he frowns at me.

"You are sleeping on the couch," I only tell him.

"I hoped we would share the bed."

Not that it didn't cross my mind. I quickly dismiss that thought. "Not even in your wildest dreams."

I near him and drop the pillow and blanket on the couch, next to where he's sitting. With a last warning look, I turn my back to him and go to leave. I make it to the edge of the time-worn sofa before he catches my wrist and pulls me down towards him, hard enough to make me lose my balance and almost land on his chest, had I not acted on instinct and put my arms out to stop my fall. I immediately reach out to the back of the sofa and because everything happens so fast, I have no idea how I end up dangling over him, my face so close to his.

I stare at him in shock, and he stares back at me, his gaze so intense I feel my breath hitch in my throat. My heart is pounding so wildly I know he can hear it. The seconds trickle by and I don't know why, but I can't move, like I've forgotten how to do so. Why does he have that effect on me?

"I'd love to see what else you can do with that pretty mouth of yours," his hot breath tickles my nose, and I immediately feel my skin shiver. He has that deep velvety voice that wraps around me like a silk, causing a reaction in my pants. I can't deny that it's turning me on. I crave to feel his mouth on mine, on my neck, around my dick.

"Fuck," I curse under my breath when I feel my cock harden, forming a painful lump in my pants. His eyes travel south, and he smiles when he notices how hard I am because of him.

"You need any help with that?" he asks me with hunger in his eyes. I quickly get away from him and try to dismiss my attraction to him. I turn around and almost run to my room, but I don't reach my door before I hear him speak again. "Let's see for how long you're going to resist me, little bunny," he whispers in the darkness.

I slam the door in defiance and collapse on the bed. I won't let him win. I won't give him that satisfaction. This was an exception, a moment of weakness that won't repeat. I close my eyes with my mind set and my determination steady, as sleep claims me, swift and brutal and deep.

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