At the fireplace (Boy x Boy)

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It was dark inside the room, save for the slight glow from the kitchen, so he hung his new key on the rack by the door and kicked his shoes off, fumbling around blindly for a lightswitch.
"Welcome back."
Bill jumped where he was standing, startled by the sound of Your rumbling voice from the corner of the room. He squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment, his cheeks flaming, hoping you hadn't seen that. "Fuck— I didn't know you were home."
"Decided to work from home today," you explained vaguely.
Silently wishing you had that option, Bill sighed and turned around. He took in the sight of you, sitting with your back facing him, a hand propping your chin up as you typed away on your laptop. The fireplace was lit, flames dancing with a red glow and crackling gently, outlining the silhouette of Bill's lanky frame.
The black haired man strolled up to you, hand absently tracing the back of the leather sofa, and as he got closer, he could see that you looked... well. Stressed.
Even from your side profile, Bill could tell that the your jaw was clenched, eyes blearily staring at the harsh white glow from the laptop screen. your muscles were taut underneath the suit you were still wearing—and maybe that was part of the problem, really, because who wears a suit in their own home?
"You work too much," Bill mused. He strolled over to you and gently took the laptop out of your hands, setting it on a table to the side, and you looked up at him with tired eyes, your jaw was tense with stress. The lanky black haired man leaned forward, placing his hands on your thighs, stroking circles into the muscular flesh with his thumbs. "You should take a break every once in a while."
"You should too," You pointed out, but your expression softened, and you gently grabbed Bill's wrists. "Maybe we can take a break, together."
"Was that supposed to be a pickup line?" Bill said with a quirk of his lips, and you smiled.
"No," You said, shaking your head at him. "It'd have to be much better than that if I wanted to succeed at impressing someone like you."
"You know me so well," Bill mocked without any malice. "Give me your best shot."
"Well..." Your eyes glinted as you looked to the ceiling in fake contemplation, then your eyes brightened getting an idea, glancing back down to Bill. "Are you French? Because... Eiffel for you."
It was silent for a moment as your words sunk in, the only sound in the room being the gentle popping from the fireplace.
But then Bill burst out into laughter, hiding his face from your view as he pressed his forehead against your chest, shoulders shaking with mirth at the ridiculousness of it all.
"What? I thought it was fitting," You said indignantly, as Bill smiled against your shirt, hoping that you couldn't tell how many butterflies were in his stomach because no, actually, it wasn't fitting—Because he was , indeed, german, not french.

"That was fucking awful," Bill said, his voice muffled by your shirt. He lifted his head up, brown eyes meeting brown. "I would hope that you haven't fallen for me, with a pickup line like that."
"You don't really mean that," You said with a sly smile, head tilted to the side, and Bill swears his heart stopped in his chest. He couldn't help but stare at how the soft glow from the fireplace made you look...
"No," Bill whispered, more seriously. "I don't."
Your teasing expression fell, and you gently cupped Bills face, thumb stroking the skin on the Blackhaired mans cheek. You both paused there for a moment, just looking at each other, appreciating each other, then you brought the lanky man closer until your lips met.
Bill practically melted into the kiss, eyes slipping shut as he set one knee down on the chair in between your legs. Your lips were soft, and teasing to Bill, You started slightly pulling away so that Bill chased your lips with his own, which earned a contented huff of laughter from Bills chest.
This wasn't like the other times you've kissed, it was slow, long, and deep, nothing frantic or rushed, just your bodies moving slowly together like a careless whisper. (Dont make fun of me.)
Bill could feel the warm heat of the fireplace on his back, but not as warm as your hands, which were all over him, sliding up and down, leaving a trail of heat down his body; an inferno that he couldn't escape, didn't want to escape.
The lanky man let out a soft sound of surprise against your lips as the you pulled him onto you lap, straddling your thigh, and Bill pulled back for a moment, heart pounding in his chest as he looked at you.
And God, Bill looked so perfect.
He always did, even as he huffs breathlessly, his black eyeliner still in tact and you never knew how, but he was perfect. You were so close that you could just study Bills face in the dim lighting of the fireplace. You could see the very faint mole under his lip, the slight overbite as Bill smiled down at you with the cutest smile.
You could see the way the glow from the fire was reflected in his eyes, those deep eyes, and you were falling all in them, and—
Oh, God.
you were falling.
Really falling.
Not like a quick dive into freezing water, like the first time you've had sex, but it was slow. Like a growing flame. It had been creeping up on you all this time and it was just there, building up gently, igniting your insides and setting you alight. It was in Bills mind, in his heart, in his entire being as he looked at you, and fuck, he was so screwed.
"You okay?" You murmured, eyes concerned as you gazed at Bill.
"Yeah," Bill breathed. He leaned forward and kissed the wrinkles of stress between your eyebrows away, only pulling back once your muscles relaxed. "I'm okay."
You nodded and brought Bill back in for another kiss, and Bills heart wouldn't stop slamming against his ribcage because...
He knew.
He knew this feeling, and perhaps he'd always known. He didn't remember when it happened, he just remembered waking up one day and knowing that things didn't feel the same. Wouldn't be the same again.
But now your hands were sliding from his back to his ass, and he stopped thinking as you gave his tongue a slow and tantalizing suck, eliciting a shudder from his body.
And maybe it was for the best that he had stopped thinking, because if he hadn't, he probably would have pulled away.
He felt one of your hands move back to his face, cupping his cheek, but then that hand slid back and gripped Bills layered black hair, forcing his head back. A gasp escaped from Bills lips as his eyes met the ceiling, and he couldn't help but moan as your lips moved to his neck, where it had just been bared.
Bills hands moved to weave through your hair as he shuddered again, your tongue slowly and teasingly working over the pulse point on his neck, above his choker, and he was sure you could taste his heartbeat.
Without even noticing, he slowly began to rub against your thigh as his cock hardened, every swirl of your tongue travelling further down his neck sending heat pooling straight to his stomach.
Your hands slowly crept up Bills shoulders, your lips never once leaving Bills neck. Your fingers came to rest on the collar of Bills shirt, then paused, like always you asked. "Yes?"
"Yes," Bill breathed, and you continued with his consent, deftly undoing the buttons, then sliding it off Bills shoulders, Bill let his arms fall to assist.
Bill shivered, feeling the warmth of the fireplace more warmly against his back now, and your hands brushed over Bills ribcage, holding him in place as you kissed down his chest. Bills muscles tensed as your tongue flicked over his nipple, Bills nerves set alight as your fingers rolled the other nub in between your fingers, slightly pulling and twisting.
Unwillingly, Bill arched his back, pushing his chest further into your touch making you chuckle, and the soft vibration over Bills nipple had goosebumps rising on Bills skin despite how warm he was. Without even noticing, Bills hips began to move a bit faster, writhing against your thigh, trying to relieve some of the pressure on his now hard cock.
Your hands slid down to his waist, you made your fingers wrap almost all the way around and digging in a bit deeper, holding Bill still.
"As cute as it is to see you pleasuring yourself on my thigh..."
Bill wanted to complain like he had earlier, about you calling him cute, but all protests died on his tongue as he looked down at you, with his cheeks burning and hips frozen in place.
You were looking back up at him with swollen lips slick with saliva, hair tousled from where Bill had been grabbing at it. It was extremely hard for Bill to keep hips still now, because his cock was throbbing at the mere sight of your sinful face.
"...Do you want something from me, Bill?"
"I—" Bill bit his lip as you chose that moment to slide your hands back down to the Bill's ass, squeezing the flesh, making him gasp softly. "I-I need more..."
"More of what?" You asked, eyes gleaming.
Bill stayed silent, shaking his head as he stared down at you, unwilling to speak because of how heavy his tongue felt in his mouth.
"More of... this...?"
You squeezed lightly at Bill's ass again, then slipped your fingers under Bills underwear, kneading at the bare flesh. Bill bit his lip, unable to look away from your eyes as they shined with unholy light.
"Or... this..."
And your tongue was back on Bill's chest, but the other nipple now, swirling around the nub and lightly catching his teeth on it. Bill groaned in pleasure, hands tightening in your hair as the you held eye contact, just about as tempting as sin.
"Or..." You pulled back, tilting your head to the side with feigned innocence. "Do you want something else?"
With bated breath, Bill watched as you lift your hand to his lips, achingly slow, then taking two of your fingers into his mouth, hollowing out his cheeks while sucking on them.
You offered a devilish grin Bill swallowed, his mouth feeling much too dry, then you removed your fingers from his mouth, a string of saliva connecting his lips and your fingertips.
The only thing Bill could do was watch your face as the your fingers moved down his spine and below his black underwear, then barely brushing over his entrance, teasing the rim. Bill bit down on a moan, trembling at the promise of something more.
"Hm, Bill?"
Slowly, one of your fingers pressed in, and Bill choked on a cry as it slid into the first, then second knuckle. You watched with gleaming eyes as Bill exhaled shakily, accepting the burning intrusion as best as he could, abs tense with effort.
Bill was writhing against your thigh again, shamelessly rubbing his erection against your thigh the feeling was making your body hotter but you had to keep teasing him, Bill was chasing that high as anticipation built up in his spine the more he moved on your thigh. Your finger shallowly thrusted in and out now, as much as it could underneath Bills slacks, dragging against his walls, setting his nerves on fire.
"What'll it be?" You asked, a wolfish grin (Isa, Iris, and Chloe NO ALPHA JOKES) on your face as Bill quivered above you. You added a second finger, and it burned within bill with only your saliva as lube, but it was a welcome intrusion as Bill trembled, holding onto your shoulders.
Bill choked out a cry as those fingers brushed against his prostate, but just once, enough to keep him trembling with anticipation, but not fulfilled, he needed... he needed...
"Please what, Bill?" You crooned, eyes crinkling sweetly at the corners, deceiving in contrast to what your fingers were doing.
"Please..." Bills face was burning. "Just fuck me..."
"Since you're asking so nicely..." You teased, but then retracted your fingers and Bill whined at the loss. "Shh... I need you to stand up for me and take your pants and underwear off."
Bill huffed out another breath but complied, cheeks burning, not even questioning the reasoning behind your request. He was too filled with want for that, and stepped out of his pants in record time, face flaming knowing fully well that his whole body was bared to you.
Your gaze raked up and down his body, seeing his star tattoo at his v-line and the huge tattoo on the side of his chest, your eyes blazing with the heat of an inferno, taking in the sight of his flushed body and leaking cock.
Bill never got tired of those eyes; they were the eyes of a man who wanted to devour him.
You turned him around by the waist, and Bill lost sight of that devilish look, heart pounding in anticipation. He heard a faint click and rustling behind him, and he turned his head to see you shrugging out of your coat and slipping your tie off, your eyebrow arched at Bill.
"...What are you doing?" Bill asked tentatively, goosebumps on his flesh despite the heat of the fireplace in front of him.
"..." You remained silent but offered a lopsided smirk. "Do you trust me?"
Bill blinked. "...Yes."
"Then turn back around."
Bill bit his lip and turned his head back, facing the fireplace, then he jolted a bit, feeling your fingertips bringing his wrists back behind him.
Then there was another sensation, not flesh, but something smooth and soft— silk, Bill realized. It was your tie, which you were now wrapping around his wrists to bind them together behind his back.
"Is this okay?" You murmured from behind him.
Bill gently tugged at his wrists; they were held together firmly, but not too tightly, and he could slip out of them if he wanted to. Which he didn't.
But you didn't need to know that, and Bill was grateful for the option to slip out of the binding if he wanted to.
There was more rustling from behind him, but Bill didn't notice, because all his attention was zeroed in to the feeling of being tied up, his fingers flexing behind him.
"Yeah," Bill breathed, heart already starting to pound faster at where this was going.
"Then turn around for me, my love."
Bill squeezed his eyes shut, biting his lip so hard it was painful, trying to keep his breathing under control, hating (loving) the fire that burned within him at the pet name.
Then he turned around, opening his eyes.
What he didn't expect to see was you almost completely naked, with only your (all the way unbuttoned) shirt left on. With wide eyes, Bill realized he could see the expanse of tattoo ink on your sculpted chest, above your taut abs.
And if Bill wasn't all the way hard before, he definitely was now.
"What I want you to do for me...Bill.." You said quietly, taking your one hand to retrieve a condom from the drawer of the table, ripping the foil open carefully with your teeth as your other hand moved slowly and steadily on your cock.
"Is to climb on my lap..."
You paused to put the condom on, slowly, enticingly, and Bill wished his hands weren't bound so that he could do that for you, but all he could do was look.
"And fuck yourself on my cock."
Bill stared with wide eyes, barely even breathing as he watched your slow and almost feline grin grow, (dont make fun of me...) watching how Bills pupils dilated with pure, unbidden desire.
"...Without my hands?" Bill asked tentatively, willing his voice not to shake as his hands balled up into fists behind his back.
"Without your hands," You confirmed to Bill, eyes shining with unholy light. "If you come here, I'll help you."
Bill hesitantly stepped forward, face flushed as he slowly set one knee down on the chair, then the other, straddling your thighs. Bill trembled at the contact, feeling your warm skin against his.
You smirked and reached aside, taking a bottle of lube that was in the drawer and drizzling it generously over your fingers, watching how Bills eyes followed the motion hungrily.
"Lean forward," You directed Bill, and he did a tiny bit, before realizing he couldn't brace his hands on anything. His abs were shaking with effort, thighs tensed up, and he huffed out a breath, frustrated he couldn't use his arms. He resigned himself to lean forward more until his face was buried in your shoulder, cheeks burning and back arched.
The movement made your erections meet, sliding together, and you both let out a quiet hiss at the contact. Bill quivered and exhaled shakily into your shirt, his face flaming and fingers flexing behind his back.
"Good boy..." You purred, and Bill shuddered, hips involuntarily starting to rock back and forth again, stimulating both of your cocks at the same time. But you shut him down, grabbing Bills waist with one hand, forcing him to stop moving.
"Relax," You murmured. "Let me take care of you."
Bill bit his tongue and complied, letting himself melt against you, and at that moment, three of your fingers circled around his entrance then entered all at once. Bill jolted as they slid in with a bit more ease due to your earlier ministrations, slick and hot against Bills inner walls. (Billussy)
Bill whimpered and buried his head deeper into your shoulder, letting out little cries of desperation into your shirt as you pumped your fingers in and out slowly, relishing in the sounds it elicited from the back of Bills throat.
The black haired mans hips were instinctively rocking back on your fingers now, and this time, you did nothing to stop him, rather encouraging him as your other hand rubbed circles into his lower back. Bill was shamelessly rutting against you now, chasing his own pleasure, and you added a fourth finger, making Bill spasm against you.
Bill let out a loud moan as your fingers hooked inside of him, brushing against his prostate, sending white-hot pleasure racing up his spine, and he was almost there, he just needed—
Those fingers retracted, and Bill whined, sagging against your shoulder.
"I'm not going to do it for you," You said, a sly grin on your face as you looked up at Bill's debauched expression, his eyeliner smeared down his cheeks and eyes hazy with arousal. You weren't touching Bill anymore, simply resting your elbows on the armrests of the chair. "Did you forget what I wanted you to do?"
Bill swallowed heavily, then clenched his fists behind his back and shook his head. You arched an eyebrow, watching as Bill slowly rose up on his knees, eyes clouded with arousal and face flushed, positioning himself over your cock.
You spared Bill a small mercy by taking the base of his cock in your hand and lining yourself up with Bills entrance, lightly teasing the puckered skin at Bills rim as he quivered above you.
It was all up to *Bill* now, Bill realized. You wanted him to use your cock for each others pleasure, to fuck himself and fall apart on top of you.
He lightly swiveled his hips, shuddering as he felt the tip of your cock circling his entrance, then exhaled. Bill sank down on your cock, achingly slow, gasping as his thighs tensed, shaking with effort. He paused there, his tight heat engulfing just the head of your dick, and squeezed his eyes shut, eyebrows knit in concentration.
You still weren't touching him, but Bill could feel how you were also tensing underneath Bill, trying desperately not to fuck into him, and Bill couldn't help but smirk a bit, realizing that now... he could control the tempo.
It was like a shift of power, tilting ever so slightly in his favor, right at his fingertips. Especially now that they weren't in your office— they were here in your home as equals, and that spurred Bill on, his eyes half-lidded with pleasure.
He slowly sank down a bit more, pausing again halfway, not only for himself, but also because he got some sense of satisfaction feeling your hips lightly stuttering underneath him, desperate to fuck into him, but not willing to give in.
Once Bills muscles were more relaxed, his eyes fluttered shut as sank all the way down, hips flush against your own, his whole body trembling with pure pleasure. He gently rocked his hips back and forth, feeling every inch of your cock throbbing inside of him, his jaw falling open.
"That's right..." You said lowly, your voice gruff. "Take it all."
Bill moaned, unconsciously squeezing his muscles tighter around you, and he could feel your cock throb inside of him. Bill exhaled shakily, then lifted himself back up halfway and sank down again, taking his time as he thrusted down slowly and deeply, using your cock to split him open. His pace was moving faster now as his muscles relaxed around yours, engulfing you in his tight heat.
His hips stilled again as he jolted, gasping as the head of your cock nestled right up against his prostate, sending goosebumps down his spine as his nerves were set on fire.
You then took Bills brief pause as an opportunity to rock up into that spot, and Bill cried out, his thighs trembling at the stimulation. He could barely move, overtaken by pleasure as you slammed up into him, sending shocks of pleasure straight to his cock, each thrust eliciting a choked cry from his lips.
Bill shivered and began to move again, rocking his hips down to meet you. He worked his best to reciprocate the movements, wrists flexing against the silk tie, wishing desperately that he could touch himself and relieve some of the pressure building in the base of his spine. He was bouncing up and down on your lap now, all his muscles straining with nothing to brace his hands on, skin beginning to shine with sweat from the heat of the fireplace and his efforts.
You were looking up at him with a devilish grin, still refusing to put his hands on Bill, your elbows resting on the armrests, and Bill was *tired* of it, he wanted your hands all over him just like they were earlier.
Muscles starting to exhaust, Bill leaned against you again, letting himself arch into you, and this angle was even deeper now. Bill couldn't do much in this position but swivel his hips back and forth, grinding down on you with their hips flush together, and you let out a low groan, your hands finally coming up to grab Bills waist as the german rockstar melted against your chest.
"Fuck—" Bill choked out as you lifted him up, then pulled him down and thrusted up at the same time, hitting that sweet spot that made him see stars.
Bills head was buried in your shoulder, so he couldn't see, but he could imagine the smirk on your face as your grip tightened around Bills waist, pulling him down with more force now. The rockstar moved with you, bouncing up and down as the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room.
Bills orgasm was already slowly approaching, each thrust perfectly jabbing into his prostate and sending white hot electricity down his spine, causing him to arch impossibly far, pressing his chest to you. Your lips met the side of Bills neck, biting lightly at the junction between his neck and shoulder, then licking and sucking down his collarbone, tongue dipping into the crevices.
Bills whole body was filled with warmth, on his front, on his back from the fireplace, from your hands around him, from your cock inside of him. He was feverishly bouncing up and down in your lap, not caring how tense his thighs were, and you were meeting him perfectly, thrusting so deeply Bill could practically feel you in his throat.
"Are you gonna cum like this, baby?" You purred into his neck. "With your hands tied behind your back, all pretty for me?"
Bill couldn't do anything but groan into your shoulder, low and heavy, filled with arousal. Every time you thrusted up into him, Bills hips jolted and his oversensitive cock rubbed against your unbuttoned dress shirt, making him whimper and shudder above you.
"You are, just look at you..." You said quietly, the composure in your voice not matching the sharp thrusts you were delivering right to Bills prostate. Your lips moved up to brush against Bills ear, purring against his skin. "I think you like being tied up like this, so perfect for me, using my cock to pleasure yourself."
Bill remained silent, because if he spoke, it would be a jumble of unintelligible words between moans, so he resigned to turning his head to ypur neck and sloppily kissing and sucking at the sensitive skin there. That seemed to be enough of an answer for you, and you chuckled, fingers tightening around Bills waist.
The man couldn't take it anymore, as you began to thrust up into him impossibly faster, relentlessly slamming up into him as Bill tried to keep up, bouncing his hips up and down. The air was filled with the sound of his panting and whimpering, muffled against your neck from Bill, as the arousal in his stomach grew until it was unbearable.
Then your hand snaked in between them and pumped up and down Bills cock, your thumb flattening over the slit, slick with precum, and just like that, Bills vision went white.
Bill shook and vibrated as he reached his climax, a string of curses and moans falling from his lips against your neck as he spurted against your shirt. Your hand moved steadily on his cock, milking him dry, still thrusting up into him as you rode out the waves of your orgasm.
Bill collapsed into you, all of his full weight on you which wasnt a lot, his arms limp behind his back as you continued to thrust up into him.
Bill whimpered at the feeling of you slamming into his overstimulated prostate again and again, making him jolt and spasm with a mixture of pain and pleasure as you used him to chase your *own* orgasm.
After one, two more thrusts, your fingers were squeezing Bills hips so tightly Bill knew it would leave bruises, then you buried yourself to the hilt, cumming with a low groan which reverberated in your chest, vibrating under Bills ear.
Bill shuddered, letting out little gasps and cries as he felt your cock throb inside of him, hot and heavy, as you out your orgasm. Soon, your thrusts slowed, and your hips stilled, buried inside of Bill.
Your lips returned to Bills neck, gently kissing the marks you had left as your hands weaved around Bills back, undoing the silk tie around the rockstars wrists. Bills arms immediately came around to circle your shoulders, clutching at you and whining softly as he was lifted up and off your softening dick.
"Shh, I've got you," You murmured quietly as Bill became more aware of his surroundings, the haze in his head clearing up as he came down from his orgasm-induced high.
Bill shuddered, nestling further into your neck as he settled sideways on your lap, muscles thoroughly worn out from overexertion.
But you were warm to him, and Bill, satisfied and content in your lap with the fire gently crackling behind him.
"...I liked that," Bill admitted quietly, but his face burned as he immediately regretted saying it out loud.
"Liked what?" You murmured in your low, silky voice. "Being tied up?"
Bill hoped you couldn't feel how his heart automatically began to pick up its pace again at the mere thought of it.
Bill couldn't bring himself to admit it out loud again, so he settled for nodding against your neck, and you lightly squeezed Bills waist in response.
"Well," You said quietly, your hands now stroking comfortingly up and down Bills back. "If you ever want something, all you need to do is ask me. Nicely."

A/N: Hey everyone, sorry for not posting in sooo long, hes a 4k word fanfic....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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