Part 9 anton vs jonielle and cass vs louise and azam

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(I don't own any of these
As the next part begins the wolf cubs are anxious to see what would happen as the screen turned on

It showed the events of rokash vs the titans as he was standing over the corpse of one of them as the others looked terrified as rokash chuckled "oi Oi I surrender hah i thought by doing so you would bring me to your leader. But I think if I just kill enough of you" as rokash tore his way through the army of titans with his bare hands ripping them apart as if they were nothing but children! As he looked at a cowering woman and said "excuse me miss this ain't a  safe plane for you to be let me get you out of here" before throwing that women at another titan killing then both

Rokash nodded at how his future self fights if everyone is in an arena he will wield the people in the arena as weapons since  he doesn't care about them

As he does so slaughtering kimyo we head over to iron Jaune and the wolf cubs alongside Inspector Ian's wife as he said "alright guys we got a job to do. We take down any and all titans here without remorse or pity" as he looked to the truck and said "come on out Ian Antony hoff" as inspector Ian walked out wearing a white and blue special Combat power armor made from the parts of the titans scavenged from every attack

"Meet my latest master piece the Gigantomachy armor. Because of how little titan tech we had only two are made private Brandon had the other" as he pointed the private out as he headed Ian two Vibration frequency spears as iron jaune stated "we got a job to do. Every single titan here dies" as he armed his weapons and said "wolf cubs. Search for any survivors " as the wolf cubs nodded and jumped out running out to search for people

The wolf cubs began to run out as they see the absolute destruction caused by the titans attack

"Jeez what happened here" Tevin said shocked as the wolf cubs decided to split up and look for any survivors under the rubble before hearing a familiar voice

"Always interfering in other peoples business wolf cubs?" As they turn and see cass santiago crouching over the rubble looking down at them.

Cass raised his eyebrow and said "huh guess I'm here" as he smirked at the idea of killing the wolf cubs with his was gonna be pure art.

"Cass Santiago!? Wait if he's here does that mean-" Che said before being cut off by Louise "focus Che that's not why we are here spread out me and azam will make sure he doesn't try anything" as Che and Tevin ran off and Anton jumped away jumping between buildings

"Oshiete oshiete yo sono shikumi so" said Anton singing the Tokyo ghoul theme as he swung around the buildings looking around for Kagaya wondering where he is before being hit by a black tendril and landing on a building as he said "looks like I have your attention. Jonielle honore The body guard to rokash Rampersad"  as Jonielle walked out already manifesting his talent around his arms and parts of his face

Jonielle raised an eyebrow at this interested to see what's about to happen as he wonders if the kong wielder can take him down and thus act as the defense against the shadow

Anton and Jonielle charged at each other kong swinging his orange staff at Jonielle to counter his blade arms before using the staffs extend ability to push Jonielle back as joneille began to talk to Anton "Anton king was it?" As he entered a weapon lock with Anton "kong..the wielder of the monkey staff.."

as Anton kicked him away with Jonielle blocking the hit "I've heard of you." However Anton then cut him off "I got nothing to do with the previous user of this talent he was pretty arrogant before his death but he made the talent famous for decades, I was just born lucky...pretty sweet huh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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