Enid Sinclair X Female Reader OC

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Setting: Enid Sinclair's cozy kitchen, adorned with pastel-colored utensils and twinkling fairy lights. The camera crew bustles around, adjusting angles and checking sound levels.


Scene 1: The Smooth Beginning

Enid Sinclair, clad in a floral apron, stands before the camera with her signature grin.

Enid:"Hello, foodies! *waving* Welcome to 'Enid's Culinary Adventures.' Today, we're making delicate French macarons. And guess what? I have a special guest-my girlfriend, Onyx!"

The audience claps as Onyx, arms crossed and eyebrows raised, steps into the frame.

Onyx: "Yeah, yeah. Let's get this over with."

Enid ignores Onyx's grumpy demeanor and hands her an egg.

Enid: "Onyx, we'll start by separating the egg whites. Easy-peasy, right?"

Onyx: "Piece of cake *mumbles* Or in this case, piece of macaron."

Onyx cracks the egg with precision, but as she separates the yolk, it squirts onto her face.

Onyx: "What the-"

Enid laughs, wiping the yolk off Onyx's cheek.

Enid: "Oops! A little egg-citement there, Onyx."


Scene 2: Chaos Unleashed

As Enid and Onyx mix almond flour and powdered sugar, things take a turn.

Enid: "Now, gently fold in the dry ingredients. Like a cloud!"

Enid's movements are graceful, but Onyx's not so much.

Onyx: "I know how to fold, Enid. I'm not a-"

She accidentally knocks over the flour container, creating a white dust storm.

Onyx: "Aargh! This is why I don't bake!"

Enid laughs, brushing flour off Onyx's hair.

Enid: "It's all about balance, Onyx. Like our relationship."

Onyx: "Yeah, well, our relationship doesn't involve powdered sugar explosions."


Scene 3: The Macaronage Mishap

Enid demonstrates the macaronage technique.

Enid: "See, Onyx? We fold the batter until it's lava-like. Smooth and glossy!"

Onyx, determined, stirs the batter like she's battling a kraken.

Onyx: "Lava? More like a volcano about to erupt!"

The batter splatters everywhere-on the walls, the camera lens, and even the cat.

Enid: "Onyx, maybe ease up a bit?"

Onyx: "I'm easing up! This is my 'soft' mode!"


Scene 4: The Sweet Outcome

Despite the mess, Enid and Onyx pipe the macaron shells onto baking sheets.

Enid: "Now, into the oven they go!"

Onyx glances at Enid, her tsundere façade slipping.

Onyx: "Enid, I... I just wanted to impress you."

Enid hugs Onyx, flour-covered and all.

Enid: "You already do, Onyx. Chaos and all."

The macarons bake, filling the kitchen with a sweet aroma.


Epilogue: The Perfect Imperfection

Enid presents the finished macarons to the camera.

Enid: "And there you have it, folks! Our love-filled, slightly chaotic macarons."

Onyx blushes.

Onyx: "Yeah, well, they better taste amazing."

Enid winks.

Enid: "They will, Onyx. Just like us."

As the show ends, Enid and Onyx share a flour-dusted kiss.

And so, in the heart of the kitchen, amidst flour storms and eggshell mishaps, Enid and Onyx's love blossomed-sweet, messy, and utterly perfect.


What do you think of it?


Sorry for any mistakes or misspelling, Grammer too! might come back to edit the mistakes if there is😅

Wednesday series (Various x female reader) (oneshots) Where stories live. Discover now