Eugene X Half Angel Female Reader

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You are a popular student and you are half human half angel!

Soulmate AU or is it UA? Idk😅



Eugene, a lonely nerd who is in bee club all by himself who was waiting for his 17 birthday as according soulmate system when everyone turn the age of 17, they will have the name their soulmate on their wrist and it will only disappear when you finally find your soulmate.

Eugene birthday was few weeks away and he wishes that Enid's twin sister who is y/n Sinclair who is a half angel, is his soulmate but negative thoughts consumed his mind.

'l am just a nerd while she is the most beautiful, popular and kindest girl l have ever seen'

'she won't like me! I look so weird and ugly!'

'l am way out of her league! I wish l was more handsome and bodybuild!'

Weeks went by and finally the day has arrived, Eugene birthday came and in the morning as he wakes up and looks at his wrist with disbelief and shock.

Eugene sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the name etched onto his wrist as the letters were delicate, almost ethereal and they spelled out the name of his soulmate.


His heart raced, a mix of excitement and fear swirling within him.Eugene had admired y/n from afar but he never imagined that she would be the one fate had chosen for him.

He took a deep breath and decided it was time to face his destiny and with trembling hands as he pulled on his favorite bee club hoodie and headed out the door.

The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the quiet streets as Eugene's heart pounded as he walked toward Y/n's house.

When he arrived, he hesitated outside the gate. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if she rejected him? But he couldn't live with the uncertainty any longer.

He pushed the gate open and stepped onto the path leading to the front door.

'l can do this! l can do this! l can do this!'

Y/n was in the garden, tending to the flowers as her wings, shimmering and iridescent, fluttered as she moved elegantly which cause Eugene's breath caught in his throat as she was even more beautiful up close.

Eugene:"Y/n? *cleared his throat and called out to her* u-umm? Y-y-y/n!"

Y/n:"Eugene? *she turned* What are you doing here?" *surprise flickering in her eyes*

'Oh my goblins! She knows my name! She knows me! I think I can die peacefully now, knowing that an angel like her knows me! 😌✨'

Eugene:"l-l-l *He held out his wrist*
I... I think you're my soulmate!" *showing her the name*

Y/n's gaze dropped to his wrist, and her expression softened.

Y/n:" l see *whispered softly*
I've been waiting for this moment actually." *getting up and dusting some dirt on her dress and look at him with a sweet smile *

Eugene:"Y-y-you have!?" * heart soared*

Y/n:"But I was afraid to say anything *sad smile and bit teary eyes* I didn't want to scare you away." *nodded as she wipe her tears away*

Eugene:"Y/n! *He took a step closer*
I've admired you for so long. Your kindness, your grace... I never thought someone like me could be your soulmate." *smiled shyly at her and scratches the back of his neck nervously*

Y/n:"Eugene! *warmly smiled as her wings rustling with joy* you're not just someone but you're my sweet honey soulmate." *giggle as she thought of a cute nickname for him*


She reached out and touched his cheek gently like soothing cloud.

Their lips met in a gentle kiss and Eugene felt like he was floating as the weight of uncertainty lifted, replaced by the warmth of Y/n's love and they soon pulled away, both leaving them breathless.

Eugene:" l love you y/n!" *heart swelled*

Y/n:" l love you too, my sunflower!"
*she whispered softly*

And in that moment, as the sun rose higher in the sky, Eugene knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be. His soulmate, his half-angel, was right there in his arms, and nothing else mattered.

3 months later

Y/n was walking elegantly in the hallway of nevermore academy and was heading to meet up with her sister who was impatiently waiting for her at cafeteria, table.

Finally y/n arrives but just to get crushed into a bear-hug from her twin sister, Enid who was full of life and energy.

Y/n:"Please stay calm as there is something l want to tell you." *showing puppy-eyes*

'Awwww! Sooooo cute my sister is!!!'

Enid nodded sternly and waited what her sister wants to say as Enid began to drink her favorite drink and busy twirling a pen around.

Y/n:" Eugene is my soulmate!" *quickly shut her eyes as well as blocking her ears*



What do you think of it?


Sorry for any mistakes or misspelling, Grammer too! might come back to edit the mistakes if there is😅

Sorry for not updating once again! But l will update here and there!


Hey! How are you?


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