Cat's Cradle

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[It starts off with Y/N arriving at one of Black Cats' shakeout sets. He is in the Financial District. He looks through the camera and sees a black cat at a glass entrance to a building. He takes a picture and says]

Scarlet Spider: Why are you doing this, Felica? You know I'm gonna catch you....

[It then cuts to him at another shakeout place. Another one in the Financial District he looks through it as a recording plays]

Black Mask: Oh, I'm sorry, Y/N. I know I disappointed you when I couldn't go straight.... but why mess with perfection?

Scarlet Spider: Because if you cared, you would have told me. But why didn't you? What were you afraid of?

[He takes a picture of the cat in another glass entrance. He says]

Scarlet Spider: I think this is a rare wine place... why would she want rare wine? She was never a wine drinker.

[He walks away, not knowing what she wants still. It then cuts to Y/N at another one. This one is in Chinatown. He then looks through it while another message plays]

Black Cat: I missed having you chase me around, Y/N. It was cute making you think you could catch me.

[He takes a picture of the cat and says]

Scarlet Spider: Felica does love playing games with me and Pete. Especially me.

[He then swings for the next stakeout zone. He finds it in Greenwich. Before interacting with it, he says]

Scarlet Spider: These locations don't make any sense.... Felica did do this the last time me and Pete caught her.... or did she catch us? You know what? Nevermind.

[He then looks for the cat and then after finding it he takes a picture of it. Y/N then recognize the place]

Scarlet Spider: That's Ty Stone's place.  Not the type of guy you wanna mess with. Believe me. All that priceless art... you are messing with a raging fire, Felica. But that's how you like things.

[He then makes it to another one this time in Hell's Kitchen. He then says]

Scarlet Spider: Another one? How many do you have?

[He then finds and takes a picture of the cat and says]

Scarlet Spider: I think a big-time lawyer lives here. What was his name? Mark? No, that's not it. Danny? No.... it was something else... I think Murrdock was his name? I bet she's after his client list for new targets. That's actually really smart.

[He then swings off and arrives at another camera this time at Midtown]

Scarlet Spider: Felica's getting faster...but I think I'm close. Let's see where she went now.

[He finds the camera and takes a picture of the cat. He then says]

Scarlet Spider: Cornelius Van Lunt's place. She's hitting places full of one-of-a-kind valuables. There's no way she working alone. She would just go for cash instead of all this work.

[He then swings off and finds another camera. He then says ticked he missed her again]

Scarlet Spider: Shocking hell! I missed her again!

[While looking an audio recording goes off]

Black Cat: Bet you're wondering why I'm back in the game? The straight and narrow life just got...boring.

Scarlet Spider: She's lying.....But why?

Black Cat: My target number's fifty million. Nice round number, don't you think? Buuut... if you catch me before I hit my goal, I'll give it all hack and go straight. Sound fair? My future in your hands, Red.

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