chapter three

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YOU COULDN'T remember anything.

No matter how hard you tried to, your mind and soul remained hollow, and terrifyingly empty.

All you could memerise was a selection of guys from the FootBall Team trying to pull Connie away from Jean. After they successfully managed to do so, Jean was rushed to the Nurses Office whilst you and Connie had to give a statement to the principle.

Thankfully, Mr smith was very understanding and proceeded to demote Jean of his title of Team Captain, but unfortunately gave Connie a one week suspension. Seeing as to how you were the victim in this situation, you were only given two days of suspension considering how you previously quote, attacked Zayne.

"I'm so sorry, love." Hitch whispers motherly as she traces planets on your forehead.

If it wasn't for her, you couldn't even begin to imagine the state you would've been in.

"I don't even know anymore," you say truthfully.

Jean wouldn't ever know this, but his words would alter the way you thought, spoke, and processed things for as long as you continued to breathe.

"Just thinking about him makes me feel sick,"

"I know love and I'm so sorry," She mumbles gently.

Sitting up you say, "And it's like I just let it happen? I let him say that shit to me and I let him handle me like that—"

The doorbell rings.

Interrupting you.

"Go get it please," you groan, laying back down on the sofa.

Hitch mumbles a quick whatever to herself before getting up to see who was possibly outside your shared dorm room.

"Uh, Y/n?" She calls out, confusion and shock evident in her tone.


"It's Connie," Hitch admits.
A slight grin is on her face as she makes her way back to you. Hands in his pockets, the boy in black trails behind her.

There was blood leaking from the left side of his head and his knuckles looked so bruised to the point where you doubted he could even move, or touch them without feeling some sort of agonising pain.

Though, that was only your assumption.

"I think I've got some overdue homework," Hitch utters, apparently clearing her throat and pivoting to her bedroom.

You loved her, but she definitely knew what she was doing.

The previous masculinity that was once practically beaming off of Connie had been replaced with the puppy—dog look he was giving you right now. "I had nowhere else to go," he admits.

He sure as heck did.

"What about your dorm? The nurses office?"

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