chapter fifteen: precious little diamond

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Jean was merely a puppet, a pawn in a game of chess.

"What is he talking about, Y/n?" Connie slurs, looking just as confused and betrayed as he'd planned out to seem beforehand.

"Nothing . . let's get out of here," You counter, brushing his shoulder as you attempt to leave in the same way that you'd came in. As you carry out your meaningless stride towards the exit, you feel a gentle, but tight tug on your wrist. "Look me in the eye and tell me that you didn't kiss him."

From the tip of your peripheral, you could grasp Jean snicker as your eyes remained dangerously low, "Jean's obviously lying—"

"I thought you didn't know him..?" Eren broods, remaining on the daybed as he runs a hand through his dark—brown hair. He probably believed that his indecent elaborations were making things worse for you, when in reality it was actually quite the opposite.

Connie glares at Eren, looks at you with a faint smirk on his lips before he scoffs in what would appear to be disbelief, "You're just full of shit, aren't you?"

You suppress the urge to laugh as you protest, "I would never do that to you, Con." 

Connie presses his lips into a faint line and you mirror his action almost immediately. His newfound nickname coming out of your lips was enough to make you gag in embarrassment. But if it would grant your plan success—then so be it.

"Out of all people, you should know by now that Jean can't be trusted." You say. And it was painfully true.

The once eager smile on Jean's face had suddenly vanished, replacing itself with waterfalls of hatred as he spat, "You're not a dumb guy, Connie. If three people say that your girlfriend cheated on you then she obviously fucking did?!"

So when Connie crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head in incredulity, the cocky sneer returned to Jean's lips.

"Is it true?" Connie beckons, a pinched expression on his face. He casually draws on the string of his season two, nike tech hoodie to pass by time.

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