Prom Night

286 14 1

"You and I, what a beautiful lie "



(Victoria 17 & Dominic 19)

As I slipped into the red dress, my mind was a mess. I still wasn't sure about my decision, even though Dominic had assured me he would talk to Elena,  but I still wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing or not.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 5 in the evening. I still had the time to run away. "Yes, I'm not going with Dominic. I'll run away until tomorrow. But where will I hide?" I thought and thought and thought. "Oh yes, Lily's place. Yes." Finally making up my mind, I walked toward the bathroom. But I was just halfway when my phone pinged with a message:

"Don't try to run away, Victoria. I dare you."

I gritted my teeth as I read his text. "This bastard," I mumbled as I stood in front of the mirror once again. I was fighting an internal battle when my phone pinged with another message from him:

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I'm not able to pick you up, but I'll send my driver. See you at the party."

"I know, I know, I shouldn't be upset," I whispered to myself, trying to reason with the turmoil inside. "But what should I do with my stubborn heart? It still doesn't want to let go." Lost in thought, I stared at my screen, only to feel something wet drop on it. As I reached up to touch my cheeks, I realized that I was crying.

I sighed, trying to rationalize my emotions. It felt like an internal war, with my mind urging me to move on while my heart clung stubbornly to the pain. I knew I needed to find a way to soothe the ache, but I wasn't sure where to start.

I flopped down, unable to hold back the tears, I found myself crying for almost fifteen minutes. Eventually, I managed to pull myself together and stood up from the floor. "Very well, Victoria, very well," I muttered to myself, wiping away the last traces of tears. "Now I'm going to be late." With a deep breath, I gathered my resolve and walked toward the bathroom to wash my face.

"As I reached the destination, I knew I was half an hour late, but didn't I deserve it?

Taking a deep breath, I finally stepped out of the car and made my way inside. The party was in full swing, but I found myself disinterested in the festivities. Instead, I focused on finding him. I scanned the room, my eyes darting from one corner to another until they landed on him at the bar. My heart sank as I saw him there, accompanied by none other than Elena.

They both were laughing about something, and a pang of disappointment hit me. I considered leaving, but as I turned to go, Christian approached me.

"Hey, Victoria, you're looking stunning." he said with a charming smile.

"Thank you, Christian," I replied, mustering a polite smile.

"Come, I'll take you to Dominic. He's been waiting for you for quite some time," Christian offered, but his nervous chuckle betrayed his uncertainty.

"I don't think so, Christian," with a sad smile i took his offered hand.

My eyes were cast down as I made my way towards him. When I finally reached him, I summoned the courage to raise my gaze, and our eyes locked. the intensity of his stare sent shivers down my spine as I looked into His mesmerizing stormy gray ones. I nervously cleared my throat.

"Hi," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Well... h...hi... I... I mean... hello, Victoria," he stuttered, his own voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

"You... you are... you are..." He paused, seemingly struggling to find the right words, before finally gulping hard and continuing,

"You are looking breathtakingly gorgeous, Amore."

Dominic continued to stare at me, his gaze so intense that it felt like it could consume my entire being with its fiery intensity.

For a moment, everything seemed to blur around us, as if the world itself was fading into a haze.

Suddenly, someone called out to Dominic, breaking the spell between us. he  swiftly averted his gaze, refusing to meet my eyes, and began patting his cheeks as if feeling uncomfortably warm. After a moment, he glanced at me briefly before clearing his throat and speaking up.

"don't you think it's so hot in here?" he muttered, his voice strained. "I'm going outside. I'll be back in a minute. I need some fresh air."

With that, he hurriedly made his way to the exit. I watched his retreating figure in confusion, then turned to Christian, voicing my turmoil over what happened to him?" I asked, but Christian merely shrugged his shoulders in response.

About 15 minutes later, Dominic returned, but the look on his face made me instantly feel that something was wrong. I hurriedly walked towards him, ready to voice my concern, but before I could speak, he grabbed my hand and pulled us into a vacant corner.

"Victoria... I... I... Can I... I mean... Can I dance with Elena?" he stuttered, his words tumbling out in a rush. "You... You can dance with Marco or Christian or Seb. Can I please?"

I looked at him, feeling my heart shatter into a million pieces as I nodded my head, unable to find the words to respond.

Before he could say or do anything else, I turned and walked towards Marco. I forced a smile, and in return, he gently grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on it, like the true gentleman he was.

I chatted with Marco for a while, but soon I Felt the urge to excuse myself. I needed to get away from this place and let my emotions out. My eyes stung with tears as I fought to hold them back, not wanting to draw attention to myself.

As I made my way towards the exit, my heart sank when I spotted Dominic and Elena on the dance floor. They looked so perfect together, lost in their own world, whispering sweet nothing. A sob escaped from my mouth, followed by a tear that trail down my cheek, and then another.

I quickly turned away and took hurried steps towards the washroom. Once inside, I locked the door behind me and finally allowed my emotions to flow freely. I sobbed for myself, for my broken heart, for the dreams that would never come true. Each tear that fell carried with it a piece of my pain, as I understand the harsh reality of love that never meant to be returned.

End of the chapter
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