Ships Headcanons 1

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N. Shaw - Liquido

• Liquido is Gay and North is Bi.

• North's friendship w Liquido is the same with Shakes: BestFriends into Enemies into Rivals into Secretly Friends into Crushes and into Lovers.

• North is bottom of the relationship.

From Rivals to friends

• Liquido confess to North first.

• North got really flustered and didn't have enough time to reply before Coach called him.

• North favorite place is the beach.

• It reminds him of the old days where he like to hang out w Liquido.

• When they were insulting eachother they felt bad for eachother.

• After the confession Liquido got really hurt seeing North just ran away.

• They got really distant.

• North still have past pictures of him and Liquido when they were kids.

Friends to Crushes

• They always check up on eachother every morning before practice.

• They actually confess to eachother when the time when the floating stadium broke, and North was about to go back to Strikaland.
(I'll probably make a one shot out of that)

• On their first date, North wanted to keep their "relationship" a secret.

• They have each others phone numbers.

• Liquido always start the conversation.

• Liquido is jealous of Shakes cause North seems really close.

• North confessed to Liquido after their 2nd date.

• Liquido and North picked the number 8 because they met at the 8th of August years ago.

• They both are very childish but Liquido is more mature so he take care of North.

• Sometimes North talk about things or complains about his matches, and Liquido just listens.

• They always come to each other's game.

• Whenever their team ask about it they say they were spying at eachother.

Crushes to Lovers

• Liquido is top but he like to be the little spoon.

• North love when Liquido gives him effection and attention, and hickeys.
(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

• North can get really embarrassed when Liquido is being touchy.

• They sometime visit eachother during break week and go out on dates.

• Their relationship was secret for 5 month until North tells the Strikas.

• The Strikas and Hydra never suspected them being together cause they look like they hate eachother.

• At the time when Liquido challenge Tiger, North begged Liquido to not hurt him but in return they have to have a lil fun ;)

• They kept it hidden until one day Ms. Altivo found them going on a date and make it go public.

• They tried to hide it for 8 months.

• After the 8 months they decided to make it go public, and have it interview.

• Whenever one of them finish a match, who ever lost, he have to pay for a dinner date.

Shakes - Skarra

• Shakes and the IU are actually friends.

• Shakes didn't actually had a clue that Skarra likes him.

• Skarra and Shakes are friends since they were at middle school and he likes Shakes since then.

• They are both Gay.

Rival to Friends

• Skarra hates how close Rhiano and Shakes are.

• Skarra was really jealous of Max Power, and Shakes didn't knew.

• When he found out he kept comparing him with Max and that drives Skarra crazy.

• Shakes actually always misses Skarra every end of the game of IU FC vs SS FC.

• Shakes still have tons of pictures of him and Skarra, and so does Skarra.

• Skarra always stalks Shakes like at the ep Total Replay.

• On the Rookie Season Skarra felt so betrayed, that's the only reason he went to IU.

• But, he knew it was his fault to, leaving Shakes behind.

• When the train fell, he actually almost break down in tears, but he found out it was a trick.

• Skarra always had like Shakes, but Shakes never realize.

Friends to Crushes

• After a while Shakes was invited to Skarra's house.

• Skarra loves the fact that theyre friends again.

• Dinggan was the first person to know that Skarra likes Shakes, until he accidentally told Doomma.

• On the episode Food for Tought, Skarra actually only wanted Shakes attention.

• In the same ep, at night Shakes slept on Skarra's lap without Skarra knowing.

• In the same episode Skarra really felt bad about the shoes, after the match he actually invited Shakes to the movies.

• Shakes have an another fake account on Nattor to talk or check up on Skarra.

• On ep No Man's Land that is the first time they stayed a night in the same place, coincidence they were neighbors.

• In that ep before Skarra left Shakes gave Skarra the flower that Klaus talk about.

• Skarra take care of the flower until now.

• In ep Game Over the scenario was the same, but the girl was switched with Skarra and they adopted the girl.

• When Shakes fell waking him up back to reality, the medic was the girl, but Shakes saw Skarra in a distance at the audience.

• After that Shakes realize his feelings for Skarra.

Crushes to Lovers

• The confess to eachother at a Super League party and instantly become Lovers.

• Every end of a SL party they make out at the back.

• Skarra is a really overprotective and easily Jealous lil lover boy.

• When Skarra could barely walk, Shakes keep laughing at him for 2 weeks, until Skarra make sure after that  Shakes couldn't walk for 2 days.

• Shakes sometimes go to Skarra house and watch some movies, and do the deed.

• Whenever they cuddle at Skarra house, Skarra always plays with Shakes hair.

• They barely go to Shakes house cause it's so small.

• Spensa always suspect Shakes and Skarra, but he never got any proof that they're together.

• They are now 100% in a healthy relationship.

• Skarra told the IU and they all support him.

• Shakes told El Matador, and El Matador told North, North tell Block, Block tell Tiger, and so on until Klaus tells Coach and Coach ask Shakes about it.

• The SS support Shakes and this happened after North and Liquido.

• Shakes ask North and Liquido for love advice.


Headcanons 2 will be: J. Uber & J. Nien

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