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What normally would be the gorgeous greenery of the forest, was instead a blur of lush foliage. Multiple colours blended into one around Jax, who was speeding through that very forest like he was being chased. The good news was, he wasn't, however that didn't mean the situation wasn't any less dire. He was rapidly running out of time with that stupid clown throwing a wrench in his plans completely. This wasn't to do with Jax's infatuation with the princess, though the thought of Kaufmo kissing Ragatha most certainly filled him with a jealous rage that did not feel nice, but this was more so based on the real reason why he took her from her room that night.

The horse he was on, that he had stolen, must've been tired by now. They were speeding through that forest for a while now and while it's true that horses did contain incredible stamina, Jax was a little pushy on speed and he felt the horse beginning to get frustrated with him. He had one destination in mind, the swindlers inn. Zooble's bar, surely he'd gather enough manpower to crash a wedding and maybe hopefully take the princess away once again. Though he was a little doubtful since it would be a royal wedding, the security at such an event would be increased tenfold but oh well, Jax did love a challenge.

The bunny glanced up at the sky above, squinting his eyes a little as he glanced directly at the sun. It must be about noon right now..

Shit...he really was running out of time.

For someone who technically didn't have blood, she felt it rush around her head painfully with each ringing heavy thud of her heart. Her body ached severely, trying to shift her limbs resulted in a dull pain that worsened with each move. Attempting to move again, she felt her arms be restrained by something. Ragatha opened her eyes slowly, blinking the crusty sleep out of her eyes, and looked down at what exactly was restraining her. Of course, shackles.

With a frustrated groan, Ragatha slowly sat up the best she could while being chained to the wall. Several colourful curses flashed across her mind and they were all directly aimed towards the conniving clown that put her in this predicament, Kaufmo had played this entire thing extremely well, he was smart. He wasn't funny, but smart. Though Ragatha supposed you would have to be smart to be a criminal, especially in this kingdom.

Another pained whine left her throat as she slumped against a cold damp wall, only realising that she was in the exact same cell that Jax was in because of the tiny drawing of an angry bunny etched into the wall. She chuckled seeing the drawing, allowing her mind to fondly remember the gorgeously scarred face of the bunny bandit. Of course her cursed mind then wandered to the absolutely exhilarating feel of the kiss the two had shared, an incredibly passionate kiss that left her gasping for breath and oh did she want more.

Thinking about it, she bit her lip as she felt her cheeks flush red. Her mind was wandering a bit too much now. Focus Ragatha, you're currently trapped in the castle dungeons for god knows what reason. You were drugged by Kaufmo and you blanked out before you could hear him saying anything. Ragatha was honestly stumped by his motive for this one, didn't he want to marry her? Why on earth would he drug her and lock her up in such a disgusting dungeon? Oh her head hurt when she thought about this stuff, she opted to just lie in wait instead of worsening her headache. Well really, what were you meant to do when you were shackled up anyway?

"Here, I got your dinner again an- RAGATHA?!"

Ragatha was never ever happier to see her colourful jester best friend, though said best friend had dropped the tray of mush that was supposed to be Jax's food in absolute horror of seeing Ragatha banged up and locked in the dungeon where Jax should have been. Pomni ran to the rusted bars of the gate and gripped them tightly, frantically babbling out every single word in the dictionary it seemed and poor Ragatha had to call out her name a few times to get her attention and stop her rambling because Pomni looked like she was going to cry at any moment.

"Pompom, hey, calm yourself okay?"

She whispered soothingly, letting Pomni calm herself down for a few moments and allowing her to recover her breathing so she was able to create a coherent sentence.

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