Under His Bed

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best friend's dad!harry x reader

Summary: Harry invites you to stay at his house for the night and the following morning you both get an unexpected visitor.

Word Count: 4479

Warning: 18+ only, smut, cheating, lying, age gap, breeding kink

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Harry showed up at your apartment after you'd just gotten home from work. You hadn't made any plans to see him that day but you definitely weren't disappointed when you saw him at your door.

"I just got home and I need to shower really quick," you said as he attacked you with his mouth. His face was unshaven and the scruff was a bit more grown out than normal. You grasped his face and laughed as you bent back from him, "I'm serious!"

But your giggles and sweet smile were all that Harry noted as he ignored your words and kept smushing his lips against yours with his own smile on his face. He smelled like the fresh outdoors. The weather had cooled down significantly over the past few days, but it was only temporary. It would warm right back up. You were enjoying the cool down, though.

And Harry's skin was chilled. Like he'd been outside for a bit. You pushed at his chest, still puffing out laughs through your nose at the way he was pawing at you, "You're cold. Do you want to shower with me?"

Now that got his attention, "Of course I would."

You pulled out an extra towel for Harry as you let the water warm up, "What did you do today? You smell like you were outside all day," you asked as you reached into the stream to test the temperature.

"I smell like I was..." he shook his head and looked at you like you were crazy, "You can smell that?"

You nodded, "Yeah. Just smells like you were outside. It's like a fresh, chilled air smell. Hard to explain. You don't know what I mean?"

"Not really and I was golfing before I came over." Suddenly his arm was around your front and his chest pressed into your back, "You're not pregnant are you?"

You whipped your head around to look at him, "What?! Why would you say that?"

"Because you said you can smell fresh, chilled air. That sounds like the superpower of a pregnant woman," he grinned.

You scoffed and pushed at him so you could take your towel off, "Water's ready."

You both climbed into the shower and you continued, "I'm not pregnant, though. Don't worry," you grinned as you picked up the soap. Harry's comments recently had been very teasing but you wondered if there was some truth to his words.

Harry wet his hair and sighed under the warm stream before switching places with you, squirting soap into his hand to lather up, "Do you want to be?"

You paused your motions and stared at Harry bewildered, "What are you...?" You laughed at his cheeky attitude, "You're insane." You honestly didn't know if you were ready for that conversation. Or if he was even being serious. But of course, his little suggestions and the way he'd talk about stuffing you with his babies did give you a bit of a longing you never had before. You were sure it was only because it was Harry.

Harry grinned and pulled his lips into his mouth as he rubbed suds over his torso and you began to lather soap over your skin. But you couldn't take your eyes off of him. Looking at his fit, toned body never got old. And he wasn't one of those guys that only had buff arms or buff pecs. He was masculine and nicely muscled everywhere. His thighs always got you. They were solid and every time you held on to them when he was fucking you– the way they bulged and rippled under your hands... you could get wet from just thinking about that alone.

Best Friend's Dad!HarryWhere stories live. Discover now