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Sorry for disappearing again, my internals were going on and hence I couldn't update.


Thank you so much for commenting on the previous chapter 💖

Four months later:

It was the 14th of February, a day left for Akaay's birthday.

The girls have gone to pay the final installment and receive their car. 

Samaira thoroughly surveyed the vehicle in its entirety, for any imperfections while Vamika handled the payment.

'This part looks kinda dull, it needs a bit of polishing ' Samira remarked.

After a few additional adjustments, they were ultimately content with the result and prepared to take it home.

'Its performance is remarkably smooth and powerful' Samaira remarked, thoroughly satisfied, while Vamika relished its luxurious feel.

'He's going to adore this-STOP THE CAR!' Vamika exclaimed suddenly, startling Samira.

She promptly pulled over to the side and inquired, 'What's the matter?'

'Dad!' Vamika exclaimed, hastily getting down from the car and dashing into the nearby park, while Sammy followed her.

'What the heck is wrong with you dad?' Samira wondered at whom she was yelling at and saw her Virat chachu with his arm draped around someone's waist.

'Are you mad! How can you kiss someone? I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE DOING THIS. YOU ARE SUCH A-'

'Who the heck are you?' Virat demanded, equally pissed and confused.

'You've lost it dad! I can't -'

'Dad? I wonder how a 23 year old guy can be your father.' Rohit asked, as he approached from a distance.

That's when Sammy clearly observed them, they definitely looked a lot younger but vamika couldn't focus on all if that.

'I don't believe this stupid prank chachu. I hate you too for hiding his affair from mom, who considers you her own brother. This is disgusting.'

'This is going way too far now. Just mind your own business.' Virat glared at her and turned back to his girlfriend and suggested, 'Let's go somewhere else baby, away from this crackhead.'

'Eww, she's a bit-' that's when Virat had enough nearly hit Vamika, had Samaira not intervened

'I'm so sorry, my sister is not in the right mental space. Actually our father cheated on my mom with another woman and when my sister questioned him, he hit her that's when she got hurt in her head and since then whenever she sees couples, she sees our dad in them. I'm so sorry.' Samaira narrated a fake story, feeling awkward but compelled to protect her best friend from Virat's aggression.

"Are you out of your mind too, Sammy? What in the world is that tale? I don't understand what's happening here. I'll call Mom," Vamika announced, frantically searching for her phone, only to realize it was missing from her pocket.

'That's very unfortunate. A friend of mine is an intern for a renowned psychiatrist or psychologist, I'm not sure. Do you need his number?' Virat offered.

'You should also file a case against your father. What he did is not acceptable. Give me your number, I'll talk to a lawyer.' Rohit came forward to help them too.

'Sammy, what the fuck is all of this? And where the heck is my phone. Give me your phone. I need to talk to mom.'

Sammy awkwardly laughed and dragged vamika back to their car.

'Vami, don't you realise that something's not right?'

'MY DAD IS CHEATING ON MY MOM, SO NOT SOMETHING, ANYTHING IS NOT RIGHT.' Vamika yelled, making Sammy cover her ears instinctively.

'I'm not deaf vami. But look, they definitely look way younger than their current age and do you think chachu is the type of guy to cheat?' Sammy tried explaining it to her.

'I don't know.' Vamika grumbled, unintentionally touching her jeans and feeling her phone in her pocket.

She was shocked as she took it outside. 'Sammy, I swear it appeared out of nowhere. I searched for it in the park and didn't find it but now it's back in my pocket. What's happening?' it almost came out as a whisper.

Sammy, who was already feeling weird, was more nervous upon having her suspicion turning into truth.

'Why don't we check it again?' she asked timidly, hoping that they were wrong. Then she realised that if they were proven wrong, that meant Virat was really cheating on Anushka.

They got down from the car at the same time with their phones in their hands, and the minute they closed the car door and were fully out of it, the phones disappeared.

Vamika struggled to speak, but no words escaped her lips. Sammy rushed to her side, tears streaming down her face as she embraced her tightly.

'I want to go home.'

'Calm down Sammy, it's going to be alright. We'll figure out something.' the truth was that vamika was equally terrified but either one of them had to stay strong to pacify the other one.

'Everything alright here?' vamika sighed with relief to spot her dad and chachu and impulsively hugged them without any second thoughts.

She was waiting for her Dad or chachu  to comfort her with a kiss on her forehead and while she wondered why it wasn't happening, she realised what was happening.

'I'm so sorry' she apologized as she backed off. Sammy also wiped her tears and just stood next to vami, not knowing what to do.

'Where are you two staying?' Virat asked them.

The girls looked at each other for an answer and the boys assumed that they had no place to stay.

'You can come with us to our hotel. We'll talk to Mahi bh- our captain and ask him to speak with the management for your stay arrangement. Or we can simply pay for it too.' Rohit offered, truly concerned for them.

Both of them offered sympathetic looks to the girls and that's when it striked to vamika that according to them, she was a mad woman.

'I'm not crazy by the way. My brain is working alright.' she told them and they immediately nodded their heads in unison.

She knew they didn't believe her and that made her want to scream her frustration out but refrained as it would only strengthen their opinion on her.

'Can you drive?' Rohit asked Sammy.


'Cool, follow us.' he said and waited with the girls till Virat went to get their car.

As soon as Sammy began driving to follow their car, it vanished in thin air and the road and the surroundings have changed too.


I always look forward for constructive criticism 🌱

See y'all real soon

Stay safe and happy 💖

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