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Thanks to each one of you who voted / commented on the previous chapter🫶 and to those who gave this story a chance ✨

Looking forward to reading your comments on this one.
Happy reading ❤️


'Look, dad is calling!' Tears of relief streamed down Vamika's face as she noticed her father's incoming call.

'So this change is due to our return to our time. Thank goodness.' Samaira was equally relieved.

Time travel seemed fascinating in movies, but experiencing it was horrific.

'You've seen-zoned me,' Virat remarked immediately after Vamika answered the call.

'Hold on, Dad.' Vamika opened WhatsApp to check the message he referred to.

'Come back soon, my dear,' was his last message.

Just a moment after reading the message previously she saw Virat from the past.

'It's been a whole minute, and you still haven't replied,' Virat reminded her.

'One minute?' Vamika checked the time of the text and the current time, indeed, it was only a one-minute difference.

'One minute?' Samaira turned to Vamika in shock and stared at her longer than necessary, causing her to accidentally hit the divider with the car.

'We'll be home soon, Dad. I'll talk to you later. Bye. I love you,' Vamika mechanically recited and ended the call to focus of what had just happened.

'Oh no, we've damaged the new car!' Samaira exclaimed in frustration and banged her head against the steering wheel, causing the horn to honk.

'Reverse the vehicle from the divider. Should I step out and-no, I won't, what if we time travel again?' Vamika hesitated.

'Just because it happened once doesn't mean it will-' Samaira's eyes widened as she looked out the window behind Vamika.

'Vami-' she gestured for Vamika to look outside.

'Everything alright?' Vamika was startled by her dad's voice and a knock on the window behind her.

'The heck!' Vamika grunted, not wanting to experience it again.

'Yeah,' samaira awkwardly smiled at him.

'Do you want help with the steering?' Rohit offered from Samaira's side.

'No!' the girls yelled simultaneously, not wanting to involve their dads in time travel.

'Okay, then.' Rohit glanced at Virat, unsure of what else to do.

'Well, then we should leave Ro. ' Virat walked to Rohit and they together began walking away from the car.

'Do you think they're on drugs?' Virat asked as he turned back to observe the girls.

'I think so too. They seemed very worried when they saw us, and did you see how nervous they were when I offered to help? They must be doing drugs,' Rohit concluded.

'Wouldn't it make us bad citizens if we don't report this to the police?' Virat pondered.

'Yeah, what if they hit someone instead of the divider? They shouldn't be allowed to drive or do drugs. People of this generation are so reckless!' Rohit remarked, as if they were not part of the same generation.

'I wonder how their parents allow them to do such shady things. Don't they keep an eye on their kids? I'd never let my kids, or yours, do anything illegal or dangerous,' Virat expressed his concern, and Rohit nodded in agreement.

'We haven't even stepped out of the car. How did we end up here?' Vamika demanded answers from someone equally clueless.

'Sammy, why is it called pink and not blue?'

'Sammy, why can't plants talk?'

'Sammy, why shouldn't you use lipstick as kajal?'

'Sammy, why does he have a crush on her and not me?'

Whenever Vamika had a question, whether trivial or the most serious issue on the planet, she always turned to her sister, Samaira, who always seemed to have an answer.

Well, except for this time.

They contemplated the possibilities for about twenty minutes before Vamika suggested, 'Could you first reverse the car, park it safely, and then continue thinking?'

'Why did we spend almost an hour with my 23-year-old dad, his girlfriend, and my chachu betraying my mom, but my original dad said it's just a minute?' Vamika wondered out loud while Samaira was parking the car under a tree's shade.

'Maybe that's how it works in time travel. I remember hitting the brake a few seconds before you saw chachu in the park. Although I immediately pressed the accelerator, the car was at a standstill for 1-2 seconds. And even now, although we haven't left the car, it's stationary. So maybe time travel occurs when the car stops,' Sammy proposed her theory, and Vamika saw a scientist in her.

'You always have an answer for everything. You should have been a scientist. You're not utilizing your potential,' Vamika remarked.

'You think highly of me. Anyway, what do we do now?'

'I'm not as scared now. Even though they don't recognize us, we're still around Dad and chachu. We don't know why this is happening or why we always end up near them, but why can't we enjoy the experience?' Vamika decided let go of her fear and embrace the thrill, which also calmed Samaira.

'Maybe you're right. I wonder what year it is now.'

'We're in 2012, probably November 6th or 7th,' Vamika stated confidently.

'How can you be so sure?'

'Did you notice the band-aid on Uncle's forehead?'

'I suppose. I hadn't paid attention.'

'He told us the story of Dad's twenty-fourth birthday and how he injured himself, right?'

'No, I don't remember any such thing.' samaira shook her head, fully convinced that her dad shared a story to Vami , ignoring her.

'You were also present ,stupid. He narrated this on your twenty fourth birthday which was just a month and half ago.' Vami playfully hit Sammy's head as if it was a remote to start working immediately after being hit.

'Getting back to the incident, it's a minor injury, so it will heal in three to four days. After November 8th or 9th, he wouldn't have a band-aid anymore. So it's probably the 6th or 7th.'

Samaira was impressed by her observational skills. 'You should have been a detective. You're not utilizing your potential,' she teased.

Vamika brushed it off and suggested, 'Enough sitting in the car. Let's go have fun with them.'


Please forgive me if this is boring. My exams have began and it took me three days to write this when I usually write a chapter in 40 minutes, so you must be able to understand.

I'll update on Monday or Tuesday for sure.

Stay safe and happy 💖

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