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Jasper can't recall the number of times his birthday has passed until now. Tanem would always host a party for him, and Braya would always make sure to bring gifts at the end of a good night. He was used to all the loud and happy feelings that came with them. What he didn't know was how much he would miss them when they were gone.

Tanem and Braya broke up 3 years ago. It's insane to believe that they lasted for more than a year. They dated during their last year of middle school and broke up during their last year of high school. They also were on and off the more their relationship was coming to an end. You could say Jasper was the child of divorce. Twice, if you consider his own parents.

Despite all of that, he still had Will. The presumed love of his life since high school.


Jasper leans over the kitchen counter with the Neapolitan frosted birthday cake that says, 'Happy Birthday to my Blueberry Jasperry.' The idea of Will walking up to a local bakery and telling them to put that on the top of such a mixed signal cake made him chuckle a bit. As Jasper slid a hand down his face, he realized how cold the apartment felt without a hug or kiss to keep him company.

"No. No. I'm not going to think about it." Jasper whispered lowly to himself before the devil came knocking at his door...or at least he hoped it was. What he didn't expect was for Marc to be at his door with a box full of freshly chocolate covered strawberries, Jasper's favorite.

"I hope I wasn't too late for the party!" Marc said with a chipper smile, lighting up the unknowingly large hole in his chest.

"You're never too late for something non-existent." Jasper spoke with a bittersweet expression. He wasn't one for sugarcoating the obvious before it could eat him any further from the inside.

"Well, let's not speak too hastily. I know Parkman can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he wouldn't miss your birthday."

"If he can't promise it, it's not likely to happen. He plays chess. Not checkers." Jasper says.
Marc tilts his head like a confused dog at the last sentence as he walks into the kitchen and places the plain white box down on the marble top.

"You should have more faith in him."

"He should have more time for me."

"I know..." Marc sighs.

Will was always the guy to go missing for hours and then show up as if nothing happened or push you away when he couldn't handle his day. An entirely different person from Will back in high school. The bright bouncy red hair that turned to blood in its absence, the long black cloak replacing preppy tightly sewn and knitted clothing, the obvious love in his eyes that Jasper couldn't notice until time had tortured them both.

As Marc set the strawberries on the counter, Jasper couldn't help but feel nostalgia. The sight of the glossy, chocolate-covered fruit reminded him of simpler times—times when Will would surprise him with small, thoughtful gestures that made his heart race.

"Remember when we used to sneak these into the library during study hall?" Marc chuckled, breaking Jasper from his daydream.

Jasper smiled, the memory warming him for a moment. "Yeah, and Mrs. Kemp would always catch us. She had a nose for chocolate."

The two shared a laugh, but the sound felt hollow in the empty apartment. Jasper's thoughts drifted back to Will. He wondered what had happened to the man he fell in love with. High school Will was spontaneous, full of life, always up for an adventure. Now, he was distant, lost in his own world.

"Do you ever think about how much things have changed?" Jasper asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Marc nodded; his expression somber. "All the time. But change isn't always bad, you know. Sometimes it just means we have to adapt, find new ways to connect."

Jasper wanted to believe that. He really did. But as he glanced at the empty space where Will should be standing, the weight of loneliness pressed down on him. He sighed, turning back to the cake with its whimsical message.

"Jasperry..." he muttered. "He used to call me that when we first started dating. Said I was as sweet as a blueberry."

Marc smiled softly. "Sounds like he still cares, even if he has a funny way of showing it."

Before Jasper could respond, his phone buzzed on the counter. He glanced at the screen, his heart skipping a beat only to realize it was an unknown caller. He hesitated, then picked up the phone.

"Hello?" he answered, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Happy birthday, Jasper," Braya's voice was soft, almost hesitant. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there. This damn driver is taking years. I'll buy you a nice dinner with me and my girls plus Tanem if he can make it. Invite Will if you'd like!"

Jasper's eyes widened, the familiar voice leaving his body still. "I- Oh! Yeah. Totally! It's nice to hear from you. Uh. Where? Did you-"

There was a pause on the other end, and Jasper could hear horns honking absurdly. "Listen, hon! I have to go but I'll make sure to drag Tanem there. Bring Will. Let's have a good night!"

As she hung up the phone, Jasper felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe things could still change for the better. Maybe, just maybe, they could find their way back to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24 ⏰

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