First Day Back

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One week since the break up, since I last saw her. I had been dating Reena
for nearly a year. People would take notice that we were no longer together.

Cautiously, stepping through the school doors, I hoped for a peaceful day. I was in no such luck. Immediately, I was greeted by a band of my male friends: Max, Trevor and Pran. I always got on better with girls. These guys could definitely be annoying but I liked them and was fairly close to them.

"Finally, dumped the goth?" Pran chimed.

"Nah, look at her. He must have been the one who got beat to the curb." Max chipped in.

Why are teenage boys insensitive enough to think making fun of their friend's bad situation is funny?

"Guys, have some empathy," Trevor began, "Some people don't actually enjoy break ups."

Giving Trevor a weak smile, I then proceeded to punch the other two in their shoulder blades. I made sure not to do it too hard. Still, them overexaggeratingly shouting, 'ow,' could probably be heard from down the corridor.

Suddenly, I was attacked from behind. Small arms wrapped around my waist and nuzzled into my back. For a heart starting, short lived moment, I stupidly thought it was Reena. Then reality hit. We were over. Plus it couldn't have been Reen because her form of affection was begrudgingly accepting quick hugs and informing you that she doesn't like being touched. That always made me smile because I was the only person she would let hug her, even if it was just on occassions.

"Sky?" I spoke softly.

"Yep, your favourite." She sang.

This girl was my best friend. She might look like someone who acts cute and shy but she is the complete opposite - always cocky, overconfident and bossy.

Coming round to face me, I saw her smile was a fake.

"Is something wrong?" I touched her shoulder encouragingly.


"Maybe don't lie to someone who can read you so well."

She sighed. "It's really nothing."

Next thing I know, her eyes widen in alarm and she's shoving me hurriedly through the corridor. Being twice the size of her, I easily deflect her and spin around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and then... I stopped breathing. Unimaginable pain filling my chest, threatening to sink my heart like a boat. There stood Chloe, looking as collected and pretty as always. It wasn't just Chloe though. Next to her was someone from my class, Kyle. And his arm happened to be placed around her shoulders.

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